The funeral

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Gabbie's pov
We pull up to the church but before we can get out of the car dad starts talking "Okay, guys let's try to act normal in there" " what's wrong with your sunglasses?" Mom questions dad "I don't want any reason for the guys to call me—" "Hollywood!!" Mr. Mackenzie shouts as I try to conceal my laugh dad glares at me. "Hey look at that, Kurt Mackenzie and the whole Mackenzie clan. "Hey," Mr.Mackenzie says "come here, man" "Deanne, you look great" dad compliments Mrs.Mackenzie
"I do," she asked feeling insecure about her pregnant belly "My wife's over there. Go and say hi" Dad says. "I see that ass is still growing, Got a little Kardashian in there." Mr.Mackenzie notices "Well, you kind of turned into a little Michael Vick thing, if he was bulimic," dad says I started to get weirded out so I walked towards the car to see Rita using a lint roller for Greg's suit, it's sad that other people aren't as rich as us. "Hi, Roxanne. Mrs. Mackenzie greets mom " I don't know if you remember me, I was at your wedding. I was the one that was table dancing all night. Deanne Mackenzie." "Of course" Mom pretends to remember. "Deanna, hello." "Hi good to see you," says Mrs.Mackenzie "oh, my god you're glowing" mom complimented "you look beautiful with your pregnancy" "what the hell are you talking about ?" Mrs.Mackenzie jokes. She starts laughing as mom gets a panicked look "I'm just playing. Oh, my god. You should've seen your face. You were like "huh?". My phone starts ringing dad starts yelling at me as Keithie and Greg dance to the ringtone "Didn't I tell you to turn the phone off there, Gabbie?" "Yeah but what if it's Betty calling to tell me she and Archie broke up" I responded "What? No, no . Cell phones. Dad said. No cell phones? Then I'm out of here." A short blond man interrupted. "Higgie" dad smiled "who's ready to get Their funeral on?" The blond man started dancing. "I'm sorry death makes me weird" how did dad find this hobo? I asked myself as a caddy pulled up "Hey, now. Said the man who was driving greeting "Lamonsoff. Rolling up in a caddy? Dad smiled. "That's how we do it." I scuffed "But when I asked dad for a caddy he said no" "you failed your driver's test three-time" Greg responded. I just smacked the back of his head "Ah" he hissed in pain as I smirked " Gabriella, leave your brother alone " said mom but I just ignored her. After everyone greets each other we walk to the entrance where we see a short Elvis look alike. He walks up to dad "Hey" "hey, uh, Roxanne." Dad calls for mom. "Remember Rob, the guy I always tell you about? Rob?" Mom walks up to them "of course." Mom said "the kid who didn't hit puberty till he was 19, right?" Mom asked
"I told you that in confidence" the short man replied. An old lady who looks to be in her late 60s walks up. After a few words, the two start doing this weird thing the two started doing this weird things with their tongues. " Dios Mio could this be any weirder," I said "yea they could French kissing," said an unknown voice beside me I turn to see the biggest looking dweeb ever. "And who are you," I ask with as much attitude as I can " Benjamin Lamansoff, but you can call me Benny," he said with a huge smile. I don't know what it was about him but he just seemed to draw me in. I smiled at him and put my hand out for him to shake, I'm Gabbie. He smiled. The ceremony started with "Coach Robert 'The Buzzer' Ferdinand, was a caretaker by Profession. What a wonderful to describe his devotion to his fellow man. He truly took care. When Robert knew his time was short, he told me there was one specific man he wanted, to say a few words to memorialize. So I'd like to ask Lenny Feder to come up now. "I'm sorry, I'm not prepared at all" dad said as he started his speech. " I feel very honored, that the coach asked me to do this, but I also feel terrible because I haven't seen the coach in so long. And he always wanted me to come to town to see him, and I got so caught up in what I've been doing and I regret it. I understand that the St. Marks team of 1978, was the only championship team that the coach ever had, and that's very impressive, I gotta say, judging from the talent we had to offer." " I mean, believe it or not, Robbie and Marcus were shorter back in 1978. Dad starts to joke "yeah, but the guys had a skill you never mastered. They knew how to pass the ball" Mr.Lamonsoff spoke up sending the whole room into laughter. " looks like someone has to learn how to pass to Kentucky fried chicken" dad shot back quickly while the crowd laughed some more. " I'm kidding, I'm kidding." " we're saying goodbye to a big part of our lives. All of us. You affected everybody in this room. And I hope we get to live our lives like you. Have no regrets when my final buzzer sounds. So let's all bow our heads in silence. Dad finishes off as everyone lowers their head. After dad's speech, Robbie takes the stage and starts singing for the late coach, which in my opinion was a horrible idea. As he gets more into the song dad and his friends try hard to keep their laughter in. I lean forward and tap Benny's shoulder "hey pretty boy five bucks he takes it on one knee" "you're on" he replied blushing bright red and the new nickname. After a few more seconds he goes down and stops singing as I get handed a five Higgins makes a buzzer sound. Sending the whole place into laughter. "Grow up well, you?" Robert said in anger.

I silently sat down at one of the tables with my fruit punch, "hey stranger, this seat is taken" I hear Benny say I shake my head no. He sits and we somehow end up talking about Harry Potter.

Lenny's pov
"Would you look at that" I hear Higgins say we all turn to see Gabbie happily chatting with Benny
"Who would've thought a Lamonsoff and a Feder" he adds on

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