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"The Crown Prince is coming this way, make sure to bow!" The guard announced.


"We can't even buy fruits in peace!" Daehae whispered to her mother.

"You're supposed to respect the crown prince without questioning." Her mother replied in a lower voice.


The palanquin started moving through the narrow path of the market.

Yoohseok smiled looking at the people bowing to him.


"Your highness we're near the forest. Grand prince is on his way." Sunoo spoke.

"We will wait for him, prepare the arrows." Yoohseok spoke.

Sunoo gave him a bow.


"It's always fun when we're hunting. This time i won't let you win!" Hanuel spoke with a smile before climbing up on his horse.

When they heard the sound of the janggu they started moving, removing their arrow from the holder they both pointed it at the deer who was running towards the pond situated in the left direction.

[ Janggu 👇]

Yoohseok closed his left eye as he pointed the arrow towards the running deer

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Yoohseok closed his left eye as he pointed the arrow towards the running deer.

He left the arrow, he looked at Hanuel's arrow which was shot by him at the same time.

Their arrows sharply made their way into the deer's skin.

"Perfectly in the center, It's Yoohseok's arrow." The guard announced walking towards the deer.

Hanuel sighed in frustration, they started moving their horses towards the another deer.


The competition kept on going for a while, Hanuel was one point ahead from Yoohseok.

Yoohseok made sure to keep his focus and to control his hand movements since this was his last chance to win over Hanuel.

"Where is the deer?!" Hanuel yelled slowing down the ride.

"Grand prince! The deer will be near the vishi river!" Ryeo spoke looking at Hanuel.

"What is uncle doing here?" Yoohseok whispered to himself before he gripped over the reins and sped up, his horse took speed.

"Faster, stupid animal!" Hanuel yelled at his horse. He looked at his side.

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