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Yoohseok started walking towards his chamber when he was met with the king.

"How was the meeting?" Asked Junghoon.

"It wasn't good." Yoohseok spoke.


"They didn't treat Sakura well." He replied back before walking on his way towards the physician's chamber.


Yoohseok finally walked inside his chamber, once he stepped inside he decided to tell Minji what happened back there at Sakura's chamber.

Minji had her hands wrapped around her knees, her face lighted up when she saw Yoohseok entering.

"I was waiting for you, let's sleep..." She spoke with a small smile patting the bed with her hand.

Yoohseok walked towards the table and removed his hat, with his sword.

He walked beside Minji, sitting beside her, he placed his head over his hand as he faced Minji.

"Sakura burnt her hand and her parents..." He whispered with a sigh.

Minji gave him a slow nod before gripping over his hand, "I am guessing her parents weren't like how you wanted them to be?" Asked the purple haired girl, brushing her thumb over his hand.

"Yes..." Yoohseok whispered. He opened his mouth to say something but Minji made her grip tight over Yoohseok's hand, "I know you want to share with me what happened but... I don't want to hear about it... or anything related to her, please." She whispered pleading.

Yoohseok understood what she was trying to say. He gave her a slow nod, "All i want to hear about is how your day was, excluding Sakura and anything related to her." Minji spoke.

"Alright, i will keep that in mind." Yoohseok spoke with a smile.

Minji hummed and layed down on the bed, Yoohseok joined her and faced the ceiling.

"While you were gone, i was wondering something..." Minji whispered she gripped over Yoohseok's wrist and layed over his upper arm once he opened his arm.

"What...?" He asked curiously.

"What made you share the roll between us both?" Asked Minji slightly looking up at him.

"Although i love you, i didn't wanted her to feel bad or think that her worth is always decided by her position. I am sure that she thinks i will always choose you in such situations because you're my first wife and that is how others choosing one of their wives in difficult circumstances, especially choosing their first wife. I don't want to repeat that. I will always think about you two if I'm ever in a situation where i will have to save one of you. That is the only reason why I divided the roll in half." Yoohseok explained.

Minji hummed slightly not satisfied with the answer. She gently closed her eyes but couldn't stop overthinking.

She knew she was better than that but who knows, Yoohseok might change.

She doesn't want him to change, she doesn't want him to talk about her.

She knew it was rude to not listen to Yoohseok talking about Sakura, but small things lead to major things.

Today he is concerned for her, tomorrow he might start loving her.

Minji slightly shook her head, looking at Yoohseok, she closed her eyes again.

Yoohseok furrowed his eyebrows when Minji shook her head.

He giggled at her cute behaviour before wrapping his arm around her waist. He placed a soft kiss over her head before closing his eyes.

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