Chapter 4: FUN

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"Guys, I think he's waking up!" Snap said.

Rudy then slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw is his friends and Rick and Morty.

"You alright, kid?" Rick asked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay... Somehow..." Rudy replied.

He was confined, resting on a bed. They're in the Chalk Mine. Biclops is guarding the entrance.

"Oh, Rudy!" Penny said in a worried tone and then suddenly hugs him. "I thought I lost you!"

Rudy was surprised and suddenly blushed. He looked at Snap and the blue boy just crossed his arms, gave him a wink and a smile. Rudy just hugged her back.

"Wha-What happened?"

Penny broke the hug and say "You saved Chalkzone, Rudy,"

"We used a lot of Mr. Meeseeks to fix everything up," Morty said.

"Oh, boy! Those Meeseeks guys are sure friendly and helpful!" Snap said.

"Well, they're Mr. Meeseeks! It's in their nature," Rick said.

"So... What now?" Rudy asked.

"You know, the first we arrived here is actually kinda m-m-my fault. And we didn't mean any harm in this dimension..." Morty said.

"What Morty is trying to say is can you give us a tour? No harm this time," Rick said.

"Yeah! Sure! But right now... I think I need to rest..."

"Nope. Let's go, right now!" Rick said and injected a quick healing serum on Rudy and he get better.

"Wow! That's amazing! I feel better than ever!" Rudy said.

"Well, that's the power of science... Come on, I'll show you kids what's the real meaning of fun..."

This is the part where they do a montage video of having fun...

First, they went to the Runny Nose Mountain. Snap was about to put pepper on the giant nose, but Rick had a better idea. He pulled out a sachet of wasabi and squirt it on the nose and made the loudest sneeze ever in the Chalkzone.

Earthquake happened, luckily no one got hurt. The gang blown away into the Mumbo Jumbo Jungle where once again, encountered the Lollipoppyians and chased down. Rudy, Penny and Snap are screaming in terror as they run but noticed Rick and Morty laughing.

"Oh, boy. This guys are nuts, I tell ya!" Snap shouted.

"Why are you guys laughing at this kind of situation?!" Penny asked.

"I-I-It's funny to think that you're being li-literally chased by living food! HAHAHAHA!!!" Rick laughed.

Rudy started to laugh as well, followed by Snap and then Penny.
Soon, they reached an open field full of green grass.

"Huh. This doesn't seem bad..." Morty commented until a giant spider shows up.

"AAAAHHH!!!" they all screamed in terror.

The giant spider grinned at them. But before it can move, it suddenly got attacked by a giant praying mantis which literally "prays".

Rick then laughs. "H-He literally prays! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

The giant praying mantis then eats the giant spider, as the kids covered their eyes while Rick and Morty watch.

The next scene, they went far away nearby the Future Dome where one of Rudy's enemies live, Craniac.

They take a peek from the bushes amd chuckled.

"Alright kid, I'm gonna teach you how evil must be ended!" Rick said to Rudy.

"How?" Rudy asked.

Rick then whispered in Rudy's ear.

"What? Seriously?!"

Rick just nodded with a serious look on his face.

"Okay, then..."

"But don't worry, I'll help you..."

Rick pulls out a Meeseeks box and then summoned a dozen of them.


"Alright, guys! I want you to watch of how Rudy is drawing and then it's your turn!" Rick said.

"I'm gonna draw a robot called Craniac. Since the one's out there is already Number 4, I'm gonna draw Number 5 then the rest of you will draw Number 6 and so on!"

Rudy start drawing a Craniac and then the dozen of Meeseeks followed him. After the procedure, Rick then commands the Craniacs.

"Listen all of you little metallic pieces of shit! There's a superior Craniac at the Future Dome! and there can only be one Craniac! Now go out there and fight for your superiority!"

The Craniacs then went for the Future Dome. Rick and Rudy are chuckling but Snap, Penny and Morty are left worried.

"Is it just me or there's something wrong with Bucko?" Snap asked.

"Oh, Rudy..." Penny said.

After a few minutes, the Future Dome explode. Rick laughed but Rudy chuckled nervously.

"Rudy..." Penny approached him and hold his arm.

"Huh? Penny?"

"We have to talk..."

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