Yandere Blue x Green

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(so in this one shot, the fieldtrip didn't happen yet)

Narrator's POV

It was a "normal" day of Blue stalking Green

Green didn't see Blue because he's blind. And we all know that.

While Green was walking around, Blue was following him.

Green was going to Orange to talk to him

And Blue is still following.

Once Green went to Orange's Hideout, Orange saw Green and ran to him

"Hey Green! Wanna play tag?" Orange requested

"Orange, you know i'm blind. Right?"

"Oh, right." Orange looked at the door and saw Blue

"Ooh! Hey Blue!" Orange said going to Blue

Blue got scared that he noticed and went inside while closing the door

"Hi Orange.."

"Wanna play tag?" Orange requested again

"You know I'm not that fast, Orange"

"Come on, I am really bored. Green can just watch anyway."

Blue looked at Green and turned back

"Yeah, he can watch.."

"Guys. I'm gonna go back to my room, bye!" Green said going back

(His room is what I call when his cutscene showed in the game)

Blue then had the chance to kill Orange

"Before we play tag, can I show you something?"

"I've always wanted to see something cool!"

"Follow me."

Orange followed Blue to the cinema

"Uh Blue, this is not something cool. We've been here before!" Orange said looking behind to see Blue with a knife

"B-blue? What are you d-doing?.." Orange asked confused

"You can't be apart of us, Orange.."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Me and Green were meant to be together. But it's much better if we were alone."

"Okay, but me and purple won't disturb you! I promise!"

"Liar." Blue said stabbing Orange at his stomach

Orange fell to the ground

(Btw Red is on vacation at Hawaii lmao 🤣)

"It's good that Red isn't here." Blue said getting the knife out of Orange

"Let's pretend you're asleep at your hideout! And purple won't even find out."
Blue said carrying Orange back to his hideout and putting his dead body on the floor

"Purple, you're next." Blue said laughing  manically while Green can hear it

Green's POV
I heard Blue laughing evilly and I didn't like the sound of that

I wanted to investigate but I'll do if something happened

Blue's POV
I was on my way to Purple and knew a plan on how to murder him

Finally me and Green would be together... ❤️

Going to one of the vents I called purple

And his eyes popped out.

"Purple, I think I know I could get you out of there"

Purple's eyes were on excitement


"Yeah! I just need to cut the uhh, jail thingy on the vent"

I cutted the jail thingys while moving the knife like a saw

Purple went away from the vent

Much, much, much later

"Finally, I'm done."

Purple's head pop out of the vent and I stabbed his head when he was about to get up


Purple's head layed on the ground

Getting the knife out of Purple's head, I heard Green's footsteps coming to the left

When Green showed up he looked at me

"...B-blue?" Green backed away from me

I was smiling as I got up I went closer to Green

"Why is Purple's head bleeding?.. what did you do to Orange too?...."

"What did I do to them? I murdered them!... Just for you.."

"What do you mean "just for me"?.."

"They were on our way, Green. And now you're mine! For all eternity!"


"I'm not dumb to you. Right?"

"Well you kinda are.."

(Blue, I feel bad for you since Green said you were)

"I'm not dumb. Were finally together."

Green had tears on his eyes

"Aww, don't cry Green.. it's okay, I'm here!"

Blue said wiping the tears of Green

"Say, do you wanna go in your room and sleep?"

Green didn't have no choice but to say..



"So Blue killed us for Green?"

"How do you know?"

"He told me when I was about to die."

"So you were first?"


"Welp, since were dead"

"Wanna play tag?"

"Yes please!"

Purple said as he ran away from Orange



Hola amigos :)

Request by:

724 words

Sorry if bad :( I tried thinking

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