Car ride ✨

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Univers : My hero academia
Ship : None
Type : ✨ ( fluff )
Pronoms : They/Them
AU : Katsuki and Eijiro have graduated Ua and are now pros ( almost )
TW : None, or a bit of swearing but there's Katsuki in this, what could you expect ?
Context : Your big bros coming to get you after school and drive you home

Yuei, 5 pm

Y/N's pov : Urgh this is exhausting! The bell better ring in the next five minutes or I swear I will die.

At this exact moment, as wanted, the bell rang, announcing the end of class for today.
It was also Friday so this meant that the weekend was here and you could finally have a tiny bit of rest for the next two days.

Y/N's pov : FINALLY. Bro this was getting worse than annoying.

You stood up and backed your back.
You took your phone, opened Spotify and clicked on your playlist. Your favorite song of the moment started playing, making you smile to yourself.
While walking down the hall, you looked outside the window, it was fall,
brown and orange leaves were everywhere, on trees, on roofs, on the roads. The trees were getting pretty much close to being naked, the wind was not helping, making them shake off their dead leaves.
The weather was getting cooler, people were starting to wear more clothes, even big coats and colorful beanies.

You reached the gate and stepped out of the building, taking a deep breath of the fresh air,
making your cheeks a bit pink because of the change of temperature.

: Y/N !! You heard. You didn't move or answer, thinking the voice was just your head playing with you.
: Y/N ! You heard it again, it made you look up and realize that your brother Eijiro was walking up to you, waving at you.
Y/N : Oh sorry Eiji ! I didn't hear you the first time, what are you doing here ??
Eijiro : It's okay don't worry:)
I'm here to pick you up !
Y/N : Why ? I mean I'm 16, taking the bus home isn't that big of a deal.
Eijiro : I know but I heard that your bus got in a villain accident and will probably be, 2 or 3 hour late if not cancelled.
Y/N : Oh sh¡t! okay thanks, that's really nice of you
Eijiro : Now come on, you know Kats hate waiting
Y/N : Oh because Katsuki's here ?!
Eijiro : Of course he is ! He wouldn't miss the opportunity to give a ride to their favorite little sibling.
He winked and put his arm on your shoulder, walking with you to katsuki's car.
He opened the door for you, letting you seat on the backseat.

Katsuki : Hi.
Y/N : Hii Kat ! Thank you so much for doing this.
Katsuki : Tch. You doing okay ?
Y/N : Happy to be Friday, I wanna give myself a nice relaxing weekend.
Eijiro : Omg same.
Katsuki : Eijiro we work during weekends too.
Eijiro : WHAT ?! But that's not fair! He pouted
Y/N : You are a child.
Katsuki : They're right. You are one fucker of a child.
Eijiro : Shush. To be even more of a child, I'm gonna choose the music this time and you won't be able to do anything about this.

You chuckled at his sentence, Katsuki simply rolled his eyes.

Urgh. Driving makes me wanna murder people.
Y/N : We know, that's why you're usually not driving
Katsuki : Shut up.
Eijiro : Guys, if you could both stop and help me choose which song I'm gonna play next.
Y/N : Anything but the princess Sofia intro, if I hear this song again I'm gonna jump off a cliff.
Eijiro : Whyyyyyy !! It's such a manly song !!
Y/N : You're the reason why Eijiro.
Eijiro : I take this as a compliment! Hehe

Katsuki : What did you do today at school ?
Y/N : Me ? Manly sciences. I had training too, almost died doing that lol but it was a chill day.
Eijiro : How did you almost die ?!
Y/N : Lets just say, smashing my head on a wall wasn't that pleasant.
Katsuki : Being this fuck¡ng clumsy won't help you become a hero.
Eijiro : Oh come on ! They're gonna become an excellent hero ! I'm sure that being clumsy wont be a problem, with time you'll learn to work on your reflexes and will be more careful.

Y/N : Pff sure.

Eijiro's song started playing :
Sparks - Coldplay
Who pleased everyone, yes even Katsuki.
They sang together for the rest of drive, taking pictures and laughing.

Y/N : Okay but there's a Starbucks in 500 meters, can we go get something? Please ?
Katsuki : Hell no, it's past 4 pm, you won't sleep at all tonight.
Y/N : It's not my fault that you're an old man who always goes to sleep at 8:30 ! Having caffeine won't make me stay up later Kats
Katsuki : Shut up, I'm not going there. We already past it anyway.
Y/N : Im playing against you on Mario Kart tonight.
Eijiro gasped, You're gonna play with me ? Against him ?? Awww he said, proud to know he'll have you on his team.
Katsuki : HAH ?! It's not like I care anyway.
( pff ofc he does, he knows you're gonna end him tonight )

Y/N : Looks like we're almost here, Eijiro can you play one last song for us to scream to ?
Eijiro : Heck yeah. Toxic by Britney ??
Y/N : How are you even asking?! OF COURSE

And you two sang it three times, it pissed off Katsuki of course but you didn't care, you were happy to have a nice time with your two brothers.


Eijiro and Katsuki as your big brothersWhere stories live. Discover now