The haircut ! 👀✨

124 1 3

univers : My hero academia
type : fluff and chaos
tw : none
pronoms : She/her
context : Y/N after a heartbreak decide to cope with a new haircut. She wanted to cut only a little bit of hair but ended up cutting A LOT. How will her big bro will react ?

Emoboy3000 thank you so much for requesting again ! <3


Being 14 sucks. At least that was the only thing you could think about since that dumb person you were dating dumped you for one of your childhood friend.

Y/N : Fucking dumbass, does 2 year mean nothing to that fucker ?! Urgh

You were pissed, it was a tuesday afternoon, who on earth dumps their girlfriend on a tuesday ?? You got home before anyone else, your moms were at work and your brothers at school.

So you took some ice-cream, played your favorite album and cried. You felt like the whole earth just collapsed on you, it felt like an enormous rock just hit you in the back of the head.

Y/N : Is it that hard to fucking love me ?! you cried, with a spoon in your mouth.

A lot of emotions were going through you at this moment;

anger, pain, sadness, pity, loneliness, emptiness, anxiety , stress, fear..

A big mix of unpleasant feelings were coming at you in waves, making you drown in them. You hate crying, always have and always will. It made you feel weak, small, miserable. Your quirk was no help, since it makes you very emotional .

You have a way of coping with this kind of this situation that is, particular, not dangerous but special. You like to change your hair, its color, form, shape, length.. Everything that could be changed, got changed. When you first got your quirk, the feeling was so overwhelming that you violently pulled out all your hair, for a three year old, that was a lot .

Growing up, whenever you started to get anxious or generally upset, your moms would let you cut small piece of your hair but nothing too much, once you were bigger, since you mom is a hairstylist, she would give you new haircuts from times to times.

Today, you didn't ask or want approval, you wanted to get rid of your hair. You wanted to change, to not look like you did before, to not remember how it was with your ex, how you were, how you looked. So you went in your bathroom, opened a drawer and found the scissors your mom used to cut your hair. Before doing anything, you took a second to look at yourself.

Your eyes were red and puffy, the tears you had cried were now dry, your hair was messy, your nose had ran a little, your lips were dry and you were shaking, not that much, but enough to make your mouth tremble.

Y/N : God this is weird. Am I gonna do this ? Maybe I should wait for mom to come home she'll do it better than me. You know what fuck it.

You took a piece of your hair and cut 1 inch of your hair, may not sound big but it felt like a lot, it felt like an achievement, a big step. You didn't stop there. Oh no you didn't. You cut 3 inches more, making your hair short, arriving between you ear and your shoulders. You loved this, the way your face looked with this new haircut, how it helped you release so much tension, so much pain. Your body felt lighter now, as if the big rock on you back was now a smaller one, being less painful, less heavier.

You saw Eijiro's red hair dye, it was on the left of the drawer were you found the scissors earlier, you thought about it for a while, hesitating between going red or staying with your natural color.. You decided not to, since you already cut your hair without your moms' approval, you did not wish to be in more trouble. Plus you never dyed your hair before and didn't want to brutally kill your poor hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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