Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter 22 : Communication.

Jungkook was in his new apartment, getting ready for work. He applied for various jobs but luckily he got a job in a cafe not far from here.

He guessed it's would be more easy for him to come and back to work. Today wasn't the first day, he was working there for a week as a trial. Just a few days ago the manager approved him to work there.

Jungkook was thankful. Even though the pay was not that decent bit it's enough for Jungkook to live his life.

He thank the god for giving him the ability to learn new things faster or else he didn't know if he ever got this job. He didn't applied to be a waiter, nope he's not going to interact with people.

He prefers keep himself in the kitchen or at the back so people won't bother him. He's not ready to face with a rude people. Yeah, he didn't know if he will survive not punching anyone in the face.

As for now, he will show the best behavior.


"Good morning Jungkook-ah" someone greeted him as soon as he enter the still closed shop.

"Good morning noona" Jungkook greeted back politely with a smile. She was the one who supervised him when he's in his trial period.

She was kind and Jungkook get to know that she got a girlfriend too. Jungkook hadn't meet her girlfriend but noona promised him to show Jungkook someday.

"You go change, I will set this up okay"

Jungkook nods. Noona works at the counter and sometime help with the waiters. Jungkook can help in the kitchen with the bakery, but he's assigned for the drinks.

Jungkook walks towards the changing room and put his backpack aside. He turns towards the clothes hanging in the rack. He takes the clothes that have his name sewn on it.

He change his uniform and walks out of the room. Ready for his first official day in this cafe and ready for the busy day. He hopes he will survive here long enough. He hopes, this will help him take a break and distracted him from the current situation.


"Jimin hurry the fuck up!" Yoongi shouts from outside the dorm. He's been waiting for Jimin almost half an hour now. "What the fuck are you doing?" He shout again.

Jimin comes out of the room with a crown. "Jeez Hyung, you need to learn to be patience" Jimin said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I will learn it someday. Living with you really required me to do that. Why the fuck no one warn or told me about this?" Yoongi whispered it to himself but it was obvious he intents to make Jimin hear that.

Jimin, who's done with Yoongi's curse and sarcasm, just rolls his eyes again. "Also you need to stop cursing "

"It's my mouth"

"You should learn how to use it then"


"Okay now shut up you two, let's go" Hoseok who was there for the whole time, cut in because he too was tired from all this bickering.

Sometime, he feels like it's not bickering anymore. He asked the two if they have any problem with each other but neither of them said anything.

Hoseok was worried. His boyfriends never fight this often. Not fight apparently but a big bickering. But his boyfriends didn't said anything, maybe it's just him?

Hoseok shook his head. It's been hard, with how university still going, he wants nothing but to take a break. But life was still moving even when he desperately want it stop. Just for a bit.

Maybe him being stress with both school and Taekook sudden situation been taking tools on him. He can't remember the last time he have a break.


"There you are!" Seokjin runs toward the trio. "What take you so long?"

Yoongi tools his eyes. "Well a certain someone was taking their sweet time"

"Yoongi" Hoseok whispered lowly. Yoongi just sigh. Jimin rolls his eyes yet again. His swear his eyes will be stuck like that.

"Doesn't matter. Now let's go! He have plenty to do!" Seokjin said excitedly. He walks ahead, leading the trio to where Namjoon is waiting.

They walks toward the parking lot. Namjoon was waiting in the car. They all get inside the car. Jin on the passenger seat while the trio in the back.

Through the ride, Hoseok can see Yoongi and Jimin back to laughing with each other as if they didn't pissed off each other before. Maybe Hoseok was really over thinking.

"Okay so, where are we going?" Jimin asked.

"Let's go to the cafe we went a few weeks before" Hoseok said, Namjoon get the hint.

"Let's go then"


"Aww it's closed, maybe other time" Hoseok look sadly at the cafe that have the 'closed' sign in front of the glass door.

Yoongi and Jimin look at each other.

Jin shrugged. "Let's go shopping"

"Let's go!" All of them said at the same time and laugh. Smile on their face that can rarely be seen this days.

Seokjin smiles to himself. Seems like his idea are working. He notices that none of them have been taking break from uni. With a lot of assignments, presentation and a part time job, they were stress.

He can see that and he takes this opportunity to help them and himself relax. Hopefully, sort out whatever problem the trio couple have. He notices that too.

They've spending less time with each other. He hoped this will help, if not much.


Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok was walking around the mall, looking around for something they're interested in. Not really them because Hoseok was the only one who's been looking around while Yoongi and Jimin was busy communicating with their eyes.

Hoseok was oblivious.

They know how their serious bickering can get anyone overwhelmed at some point.

Since they're in relationships it's rarely bother Hoseok. But now they can see how it's begin to bother him but didn't say anything about it.

They know Hoseok was just keeping themselves for going into a fight. But this kind of relationship need to have a good communication –if not great– if they want this to work out.

At the same time, they understand what Hoseok is thinking. They didn't realize this before. And if Hoseok talk about this before they won't take this seriously and brush it off.

But now they realize this on their own and will fix this because they don't have anyone that opposed to their relationship like Taehyung and Jungkook do. So they won't let their relationship fall because of their own self.


I'm sorry if this chapter was not what you're expecting since the hiatus. But here are some of the side story of what's been going on instead of focusing on Taekook.

I didn't focus on their feelings though. Hopes they're still thinking about each other 😌 or didn't find someone who's they're interested in. 😃 — Fifi

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