Chapter 2: Drugs and Misconduct

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I've barely been at my house for half an hour and I'm already missing Eddie... badly. I decide  I'm going to surprise him by showing up at his trailer three hours earlier. He'll be so excited.

I'm just starting to sneak out my window when I hear a voice come from behind me.
"And where exactly do YOU think your goin'? Great. I grit my teeth as I hop back down from the window sill. " None of your damn business", I reply walking straight up to my step sister Erica. Even at only five years old she's already towering over me and triple my width. 
" It is my business if you sneaking off to be with that drug lord NERD!" The fury that fills inside of me is like nothing I've ever experienced. I grab her by the collar and slam her against the door. "If you ever... and I mean EVER talk about Edward Munson that way again, I swear to God I will make sure you never see the light of day! Do you understand me Erica?" She avoids my gaze and says nothing. " DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" I smash her head against the door again. " I understand " she says in what's barely above a whisper. I let her go and she quickly scurries out of my room. Typical. She's got a big mouth that never seems to stop running but nothing to back it up.

I finally arrive at Eddie's trailer sometime later. I get out of my Lamborghini Aventador LP 750-4 Superveloce Roadster and head for the door. I knock a few times and wait patiently for him to come. No response. I knock again. Still no response.  "Ugh Eddie where are you". I walk around to the back of the trailer and peek through the windows. No sign of him anywhere. I decide he must still be at the school. So that's where I'm headed next.

"Come on!" I exclaimed. After searching for what felt like three minutes, Eddie is nowhere to be found at the school either. Then I suddenly remember about what Eddie said would be our special spot in the woods. He's so romantic he's probably there waiting for me. I'm heading out through the woods trying to find our picnic table, when a laugh stops me in my tracks. I look up to see Eddie sitting at the table... but he's not alone.
Chrissy Cunningham, the slut, is sitting there with her big sausage hands all over him. I feel tears prick my eyes as I let out a strangled sob. Eddie whips his head around and sees me standing there. " Princess wait, it's not what it looks like-" I don't even let him finish. I'm already tearing through the woods trying to get away. How could I have been so blind? Of course he's with Chrissy the whore Cunningham. Is there any man she hasn't conquered?
With his long strides compared to my short ones, Eddie easily catches up to me. He grabs my arm and spins me around.
"Baby just let me talk for a sec-"
"There's nothing you can say that will make this right!" I yell in his face. "I suffered incredible abuse growing up from my cousins, and I always tried to avoid the drama. But it still seems to follow me wherever I go. Things got so bad, that my mommy had to pack us up and move from McCordsville to Hawkins." His eyes look so concerned as he wraps me up in his arms. " Oh my god Wino I'm... I'm so incredibly sorry about that. You don't deserve anything but the greatest love in the world." I look way up at him and bat my naturally long and thick eyelashes. " You really think so?" I whimper. " Yes, Yes of course Pooh Bear. And about the Chrissy thing, she was just... she just wanted to buy some drugs from me. That's all." I look deep into his eyes. "Promise?" I whisper.
"Of course Princess, you're the only one for me." He cups my face and kisses me passionately. I run my fingers through his hair, taking into account the pure greasiness of his dark waves. When we finally pull apart he's smirking with satisfaction. " Mmm" he says. "I could get used to that". I bite my lower lip and start to feel my face turn red. "So... are we still on for tonight?" I ask trying not to sound to hopeful. He brings his face down mere inches from mine and my breath catches. " Be there at nine. Sharp." All I can do is nod. "Hurry home now Princess. Make yourself pretty for me." He smacks my bottom... hard, and the momentum sends my frail body flying. I stumble and almost ruin my new Jimmy Choos in a patch of mud. I can hear him chuckling behind me and the sound makes me furious.

"These are brand new Jimmy Choos you mouthbreather!" I yell at him. He stops laughing and stalks towards me grabbing my shoulders roughly. "My apologies Wino... I didn't realize I was dealing with a pretentious snob with a diamond ring up her @ss!" My lip quivers and I start to stutter. " I... that's.... that's not what I... I didn't... but... you were... I... I meant I... I didn't mean... not like.... But... you...-
"Save me the excuses Wino. You're just like the rest of them." I tremble with fury.
" But I'm not! I'm so different in every way! There's no one else like me out there!" He starts to walk away.
" Please don't leave me Eddie!" I start to cry. " I... I don't have anyone else! I'm never gonna feel love like this again! We're soulmates! I'm hysterical at this point. "DON'T DO THIS EDDIE!" I collapse, my body wracked with sobs. I have a panic attack on the ground of the woods. I'm lying there for what seems like several minutes. Finally I gather the strength to look up.
He's gone.

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