Battle Olympia

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In the bright daylight of Padokea, Gon runs happily on top of a building while quickly eating up a popsicle.

Nearby, he sees a small balloon floating and he simply jumps over to catch it by the rope before happily hoping off a couple buildings and lands on the ground in front of the little girl who accidentally let it go.
"Here you go." Gon hands the ballon back.

"Yeah thank you." The little girl takes it in gratitude before running along.

"Bye-bye!" Gon waves.

"Wow, this tastes so good." Wendy walks up, eating a small meat on stick, along with Carla and Happy, who's munching on a grilled fish.

"I know right? Makes me want to get another one." Gon replies and agrees.

"Yeah, this is the life." Happy can't get enough of his favorite food.

"Surprised you decided to come with us, happy." Carla mentions, before sucking on a lollipop.

"Natsu and Gray always at it whenever they get the chance so I figured why not? Just to take a break from them." Happy replies, taking another fish bite.

"Classic, two are one of kind whenever they get the chance so I don't blame you there." Carla agrees.

Killua skates on his skateboard next to the four before hopping off and flip it in arm, "On top of that, it's been awhile since Gon and I been here in Padokea. It was right before we met up again in Yorknew."

"Really? I think around that time, we were at Tenrou island for the S-class trial." Wendy said, referring to her, Happy, and Carla.

"What coincidence." Gon nods, "We've also been involved with Ninja related missions lately with Naruto and the others so this is a good way to enjoy ourselves."
"Yeah, we learned a lot of things while on those missions." Wendy nods happily.

"Wow, makes me wish I went along." Happy munches on his fish at the same time, while Carla rolls her eyes at his statement.

"We'll be learning more things here too." Killua notes with a grin.

"Huh?" Wendy and Gon blink in confusion.

They then hear a loud talking and see a crowd gathering around and witnessing two big guys complaining on an elderly couple for accidentally bumping into them, despite the elders trying to apologize.

The 5 went in and squeezed through the crowd with their small bodies and witness the commotion and one of the big guys almost throwing a punch to the elderly man.

Before that happens, a small boy with karate clothes and only bare footed comes in and kicks the 1st big guy in the square face, knocking a tooth out of him and making him fall hard on the ground and unconscious. The boy proceeds to knock the 2nd big guy out as well, with three punches to his stomach, making the guy violently spit out his cigarette as he falls to the ground as well.

Standing in triumph over them, the small boy proudly exclaims, "Osu!"

The elderly man thanks him for sticking up for them and offers him a few bucks, but the small boy declines it, only being satisfied with helping them before walking off.

"That was amazing..." Wendy murmurs impressed.

"Aye..." Happy agrees.

As he walks off, he hears Gon calling him, "Zushi!"

The latter sees Gon, Killua, Wendy and the exceeds walking up.

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