Dawn of a new day

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As the sun begins to rise, "Hey guys!" Happy and Carla run up to the trio after their fight.

"Happy! Carla!" Wendy's glad to see them, so is Gon.

"We're so glad you're okay." Carla said, "It took awhile for us to get out of the arena and come looking for you guys."

"Luckily, Bisky, Wing, and Zushi took care of those guys from Shadow for us to make it up here." Happy adds.

"Zushi's okay?" Gon asks.

"Aye." Happy raises a paw in confirmation.

"Thank goodness." Wendy sighs in relief.

"Our fight with the Shadow leader is done here too." Killua adds, "So everything's done now." They nod in agreement with him.

"I noticed just now..." Carla mutters to something, which they turn to her, "You look different for some reason, wendy."

"Oh right that's because..." The sky slayer than says in excitement, "I unlocked Dragon-force!"

"WHAT?!" Carla and Happy exclaim dramatically, with the latter saying, "Natsu uses that too!"

"That's so cool!" Gon exclaims in amazement too, "I was struggling against On and couldn't get the chance to see it."

"It was really amazing." Killua smiles.

Wendy blushes at the compliments, nuzzling her cheek a little, "Heh... thanks..."

Carla looks at her best friend and proud of the sky slayer, "She really has grown up and come a long way." Carla glances at gon and killua next, "Ever since being with these boys, she stopped being a weak and timid girl to the point I had to protect her" She smiles, feeling as a tear was gonna come from her eye.

"Something wrong, carla?" Gon asks.

"Nothing..." Carla quickly shrugs off.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." Killua recalls, now thinking if Kurapika is fine now.

"Hey!!" Leorio and Kurapika run up.

"Kurapika!" The kids shout and run up to him happily.

"Thank god you're okay!" Wendy holds his hands.

"It was thanks to you guys." Kurapika nods during the hand holding, "I'm grateful."

"Don't be, we're friends after all." Gon smiles, and Kurapika agrees.

"Aren't you forgetting about me a little?" Leorio chimes in.

"Yeah, don't forget about us either." Happy raises his paw, while Carla has her arms crossed.

"Hey Happy! How've ya been buddy?" Leorio greet.

"Aye, I've been great." Happy replies.

"Another cat just like happy?" Kurapika notices Carla.

"Comparing me to him are we?" Carla huffs, "The name's Carla, pleasure to meet you."

"Well... a sassy little cat aren't ya?" Leorio sweat-drops and Killua definitely nods in agreement, which Carla ignores

"My bad, the pleasure is mine too." Kurapika replies, smiles.

"Not back to what we were saying you guys forgot to mention me?" Leorio points to himself, "Oh, and the cats too."

"What did you actually do anyway?" Killua snickers.

"Uh? Well..." Leorio trues making something up, which males them all laugh.

"Well, I heard you loud and clear. You're voice encouraged me when I was poisoned by On." Kurapika said, "You used some not so nice words there."

"W-well..." Leorio stutters.

"Happy and Carla also helped look after Zushi until he recovered." Wendy brings up and smiles at the cats.

"Yeah, everybody played a good part during this battle." Gon adds.

"Aye." Happy raises a paw.

"It was nothing really, he recovered fast on his own." Carla said.

"More importantly, how did you defeat that jed guy?" Leorio asks the trio.

"Well..." Gon stutters awkwardly.

"Hold on, you formed a contract with On, didn't you?!" Kurapika asks.

"I did... but Wendy and Killua brought me back." Gon smiles and turns to them both, "Thanks you guys."

"Sure, anytime." Wendy smiles, while Killua blushes in embarrassment.

"You sure do some crazy things." Kurapika murmurs.

"You got that right." Carla agrees.

"Reminds me of someone." Happy thinks of Natsu.

"You never change. You'll do anything for your friends." Leorio said.

"I really thought I was gonna die there, woah." Gon rubs his head and laughs it off, which they all laugh together.

Killua turns to Netero and asks, "Will Gon's contract remain?"

"Jed's death means the death of On." Netero replies, turning around to them, "He is sent to the heavens so there's nothing to worry about now." He looks at the sun raising, "The darkness has disappeared."

The sun completely comes and Killua comments, "It's now dawn."

"Yeah." Gon and Wendy nod with smiles.

1 Hour later:

The group(without kurapika) sits in the audience of Heavens arena with Bisky and Wing as the tournament continues, and notices something off

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The group(without kurapika) sits in the audience of Heavens arena with Bisky and Wing as the tournament continues, and notices something off.

"Is it just me, or did it remain the same as before?" Happy asks.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing." Carla nods.

"They acted as if nothing happened yesterday." Killua said, thought the same thing the cats did.

"What happened yesterday anyway?" Leorio asks.

"It's been buried in darkness again." Killau replies, his hands hands resting behind his head without a care in the world.

"Yep." Bisky agrees, smiling.

"That doesn't really calm me..." Leorio sighs.

"It's okay." Wendy said, nodding in assurance, "Because things have changed and On isn't around anymore." She smiles to them.

"Right." Gon smile too before standing up, "We'll make sure that no more hunters get controlled by On again."

"That's the spirit!" Bisky stands up and dramatically slaps him on the head, making him fall down.

"That hurt!" Gon whines dramatically, but they laugh nevertheless in having a good time before proceeding to cheer Zushi on for his match against Kanjiru.

With that said, this now ends HXH: Last Mission.

To be continued to what's next.

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