Team 11 vs Gaki

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As the Trio exit the elevator to the next floor, they are greeted from afar by Gaki, who stands there with crossed arms and a smirk in their arrival.

"And you are?" Killua asks.

"I won't let you kids go any further!" Gaki goes in battle position.

"!!" So does Team 11 and Wendy uses this chance to enchant the three of them, "Arms! Vierner!"

"Woah, thanks wendy!" Killua nods.

"Yeah, let's kick this guy into next week!" Gon smirks.

"Battle Olympia finally shows some promise!" Gaki release on On flamed attack their way, which they split up and dodge.

"An emitter, huh?" Killua notices as the threes start running around the watered floor as they dodge On flame attacks from Gaki. Flipping, ducking, and jumping on the ceilings/walls in various ways before they attack the muscular Shadow member at once from all sides with their respective attacks, but Gaki keeps up without breaking a sweat.

"This guy is on a different level than the rest!" Gon blurts out before Gaki punches him aside, "GAH!"

Wendy goes to attack next with her feet coated in wind, "Sky Dragons: Sky Arrow!" She counters Gaki's fist with her sky kick, which cancels the other out as they stumble back.

Killua wastes no time in attack from the other side, "Lightning Palm!" He attacks, but Gaki counters with his left fist and cancels that out as well.

"Too bad for you, but we don't feel like losing." Killua smirks.

"That's right!" Wendy agrees, ready to attack again.

Gon jumps into the air out of the water and dives toward Gaki while exclaiming, "We got to wrap this up fast so we can save Netero-san!" He lands a kick to Gaki's face and makes him stumble a bit before they exchange again.

"You guys say some funny stuff!" Gaki unleashes his On flames again, but is Sky clawed back by Wendy.

"It's not funny and we meant it!" She exclaims seriously before asking with a glare, "Besides... why are you guys doing all this?!"

"And what do you hope to gain from it all?!" Gon asks him with a glare too.

Gaki glances down in silence for a few seconds before answering, "You would never understand how deep our grudge is." Before explaining, "To have our revenge against all hunters, we've made a restriction and covenant with On, which is why I can't lose to them!" He fires a flame attack at Killua, who jumps and dodges.

"It doesn't matter either way because your attacks have become easy to read!" Killua proclaims before throwing his yo-yo.

"Same with yours." Gaki comebacks and easy blocks it aside.

"I'm nothing like you so don't lump me in." Killua lands.

Gon and Wendy come from the air with their legs extended and coming down toward Gaki, who blocks both of their kicks with his large fists before tightening them.

"!!" Wendy gasps.

"Damn!" Gon curses.

Gaki uses his superior physical strength to throw the two in the opposite directions and sending them flying back.

"AAAAHH!!" Gon and Wendy exclaim in pain as they crash hard through the wall out that leads out the floor they were on and down the elevator pass-way.

"Wendy! Gon!" Killua exclaims in shock as Gaki chases after them in continuing.

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