The Shadow

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After the Mascot Show is done:

"Hey guys." Gon stands up, "Let's go pay a visit to Netero-san real quick."

"Sure!" Wendy nods.

"Okay." Killua nods too, both standing up.

"Make sure to hurry back before the next match." Happy remains.

"What he said." Carla agrees, which the kids nod and go on ahead.

Elevator entrance:

"Report from the entrance of the elevator." An officer calls Netero through zoom, "There are some kids who want to see you."

"Why not? Let us go will you?" Gon asked and pouts as they're trying to get through the officer.

"Wait! Hey, quit it!" The officer pushes gon off.

"N-Now now." Wendy tries to calm them down with a sweat-drop.

Netero seems them through his office on the screen and smiles at Gon waving, with Wendy and Killua beside him, "Let them in."

As the kids zoom up through the elevator, "We haven't seen Netero-san since the hunter exam."

"Yeah, it's been awhile." Killua agrees.

"I wonder if we can take the ball from him now." Gon wonders.

"Ball?" Wendy asks.

"Oh right, it was when you went to bed after we chatted near the airship went." Gon said, "That was when Netero challenged us to take the ball from him, and trust me, it was hard, ha ha." He chuckles with a head rub,

"Wow, then if I hadn't left a second later then I probably would have helped." Wendy said.

"It's all good, since that was just a game anyway." Killua assures.

The elevator door opens and suddenly a ball comes flying and bouncing in the elevator around them.

"WOAH?!" The kids exclaims, but the boys quickly stop it with their hands, with wendy sighing in relief, seeing that came out of nowhere.

Netero walks toward the elevator and comments, "Ah, I see you've improved."

The trio run out the elevator with Gon tossing Netero the ball back, "Yeah."

"Let's go and have some tea." Netero invites them while spinning the ball on his finger.

Heavens Arena:

"First Match: Zushi versus Kanjiru!" The announcer speaks as Zushi walks out proudly with fierce determination in winning. Kanjiru comes out at the same time.

"You get'em Zushi!" Happy cheers.

"I wonder what his opponent is capable of, because this might not be easy." Carla murmurs, arms crossed.

"We'll have to observe and find the out. The match is starting." Wing said.

As the fighters stand off in the ring, "What a difference in size! Super heavy class vs Mosquito Class! A great challenge stands before Zushi right off the bat! Kanjiru-!"

As she says that, the figure let's down his hood, revealing that he's not kanjiru.

"Huh?" Bisky perks up.

"Hold on, that's the wrong guy..." Happy exclaims.

"What's going on?" Carla murmurs.

"That's not Kanjiru!" The announcer speaks as the figure throws his cloak aside, "Who was this person that's hidden under the hood?!"

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