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Tae- You didn't hear my words now see what happens. *shakes head *

You- Achooo....*you are sneezing from past few hours continuously*

Tae- How many times i told you not to eat ice cream at night see you catch a cold now. Noona and mom will beat me.

You- I am craving for that....Achoo...

Tae- That doesn't mean you can eat 4 bucket of icecream.

You- Achoo....Achoo....

Tae- *face palm*

You Teared up and he panicked and immediately make you sit on his lap while wrapping his arms around you without hurting your 6 months old baby bump.

Tae- Omo don't cry baby it's ok.... *comforts you*

You- I am *sob* sworry taetae.

Tae- Ah it's fine here drink this hot water you feel better. *caresses your hairs*

So many months passed and you and taehyung become more closer and he is more protective and possessive in your things. He always find time to spend with you and baby. He completely gets attached with the baby and the baby also. The baby always kicking and reply to him. You both are very comfortable with each other and promise to share every single things in your life. And his family also visit you with some gifts for you and baby and sometimes Mrs.jeon come and live with you to take care of you and give you whatever you likes like a mother. Everyone is happy with you.

Mrs Jeon- Where is my baby? *shouts from downstairs*

You- Oh mom came tae let's go. *squealed in happiness and run to her*

Tae- Yaah slowly...Aish this girl....

You- Mom...*hug her*

Mrs.Jeon-  Oh my sweety did you miss me?

You- Yes more.....

Mrs.Jeon- Aigoo.... Don't you come and give me a hug tae bear.

Tae- Aish you are so dramatic mom. *join the hug*

Mrs jeon- Come i bring your favorite food let's go and eat.

You- We didn't get freshed mom.

Mrs jeon- Ah wae?

Tae- Look at your daughter she ate 4 bucket of icecream and catch a cold.

Mrs jeon- *gasp* Are you ok dear?

You- Ah mom i am fine look. *Cute smile with puppy eyes*

Mrs jeon- Ok ok come fast i will wait for you both.

Tae- Ah mom. Come lets go.


You- Wow you looks so hot and perfect now.

You- Wow you looks so hot and perfect now

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