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Hearing a familiar voice Jimin look and saw your glimpse. He recognise you, your voice after so many months. He saw you walking out supporting your baby bump and his heart sunk to his stomach at that moment. But before he could reach at you
you already gone from his sight. Without wasting a second he started to search for you.

IU- Huh where is she?

Minnie- She was here when I came to there.

Kookie- Then where is she? If tae will hear this he will get mad at us..

Tae- For what i am getting mad?

Kookie- Oh- it's....

Tae- BTW where is yn?

Minnie- Young master she is missing.

Tae- What kind of prank is this?

Minnie- Actually young master she says to bring some food bcs she was angry. But when we came here she is missing....

Tae- Are you serious where did she go she never go somewhere without telling anyone?

Kookie- Calm down Hyung.

Tae- You are all waste why am I wasting my time here i am going.

He left from there getting tension each and every second.

Kookie- Let's go and search also but don't make others suspicious ok.

IU- Ok.

Tae- Please be safe yn please.....

Mean while Jimin is running like a mad person to find you then a hand pulled him and stop him.

Mr park- What are you doing Jimin why are you running like this?

Jimin- Dad let me go.


Jimin- I SAW HER DAD....I saw yn...

Mr park- What?

Jimin- Yes I saw her going outside while bumping to me but she didn't saw me .

Mr park- Are you sure that is yn may be you get wrong.

Jimin- No dad i am 💯 percentage sure that it is yn.

Mr.park- Ok then let's go and check inside may be she came with someone inside now.

Jimin- But dad...

Mr park- No buts Jimin come with me.

With that he dragged him inside.

On the other hand you came to an park nearby there and sit on a bench....

You- I am not perfect for him. I am such a burden to everyone. She is so perfect with education here i am sitting with a baby inside me and crying pathetically.

You are crying harder and your sobbing echoed through there bcs it was night and no one is there.

???- I am sorry.

You looked up and saw taehyung kneeled infront of you while holding your hands.

Tae- I am sorry babe.

You- Why are you saying sorry taetae? *you sniffed*

Tae- Bcs making my promise break that i will never make you cry.

You pushed his hands from you.

You- Don't come near me. *shouts*

Tae- Ok ok. *he scared by your shout and sit a far from you*

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