Chapter 24

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-3rd Person POV-

Ushijima's face slowly contorted into an expression of disgust as he turned to face Haruto. He knew that Semi would never do this to him. Especially not after what they had gone through together.  Also... because he heard the whole conversation.

"No. No you are not."

Haruto smirked as he looked at Semi's quivering lips and glassy eyes. He raised an eyebrow.  Waiting for Semi to continue.

In a meek voice, Semi continued, "Ushi. I said I am break-"

"It's alright baby. I got this.", despite the situation, Semi's face changed into a dark shade of red after hearing the nickname roll off his boyfriend's tongue smoothly. He watched as Ushi took a step between Haruto and Semi and smirked. 

"Alright I've had enough of this bullshit. I'm taking him with me now." Haruto attempts to grab Semi's wrist.

"Because I love him. Please leave us alone. I-"

Ushijima watched calmly as Haruto's cocky smirk transitioned into anger.

"NO! Just listen to me. I have recently gotten some inside information on the principal... So lets just say I've got him wrapped around my little finger."

"Are you blackmailing him!?"

"You could say that. This means I can get him to take away your "boyfriend's" scholarship. But. If you leave him and date me. I'll consider letting him stay."

As the recording continued Semi's fingers wrapped themselves on the hem of Ushijima's shirt as he sighed in relief.

"If you dare approach the principal about anything regarding me or MY boyfriend. I will see to it that he is fired and you expelled. With both of you gone. The new principal will have no reason to take away my scholarship."

Haruto glared at the pair and growled "This isn't over." As he and his posse slinked back to their dorms.

Ushi turned to face his boyfriend who just stared up at anything but him, afraid he would start bawling his eyes out. Without saying a word, he pulled him into a hug, satisfied when he felt warm tears flood the fabric on his clothing.

Silence. Peaceful silence.

Semi's legs felt weak as he cried. Ushi noticed and swept him into a bridal carry and slowly walked back to the dorms with a drowsy Semi hanging off his neck like a baby koala. He smiled watching Semi's eyes close and quiet snoring replace his hiccups.

I'm going to end this once and for all. I have the recording and I'm not going to wait for something else to happen before using it.

Hey guys oh my god. It's been a year💀🤡 I'm sorry I've not been updating like at all. If you are still here. Thank you for waiting!!! This was a short chapter but I will try updating more now. However? This book will soon be coming to an end. Idek why I decided to write when my stupid ass knew I would not have the time lmao. Well, I guess I decided I needed more angst in my life since books I have been reading (like NCT and EXO fanfics) have been a little fluffy recently. (If you have any recs, just comment them hehe. I love chogiverse's bookssss) Anyways. Thank you so much for so many reads!!! 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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