Chapter 1

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-3rd Person POV-

In his hand he clutched a small white camera which looked tiny against his build. His dual toned hair flaunted off shades of fawn that were frosted at the tips with a darker caramel shade. His hair coordinated with his striking chestnut eyes that contained green flecks that glinted in the sunlight. He slipped the camera into a pocket of his rustic jean coat. Semi glanced at the mirror again before wrapping a checkered scarf around his muscular neck. He grinned winningly and eyed his watch before exiting the room and gliding down the stairs. He ruffled his hair and stared at the glossy blue sky. Excitement, euphoria and ecstasy blazed in his eyes while reflecting a fluorescent emerald glow.

'Finally! A holiday.' He beamed. He checked his pocket for his camera and grinned it was a present from the 2nd years of Shiratorizawa's Volleyball team. He walked to the local cafe where he was going to meet the team.

DING DING! His heart leaped as Ushiwaka's name appeared on his screen and the drum of his heart rapidly sped up. It was only a text, but it was from his crush. Deep down Semi knew it was hopeless. Ushijima wasn't exactly smart when it came to crushes or relationships. He's never been in one or has ever thought about it. He sighed as his heart squeezed in his chest. There was no point in thinking about it now... He replied to his crush's texts and continued walking.

-Semi's POV-

As I stepped foot into the cafe, I heard a loud yell from none other than Goshiki.

"Semi senpaiiiiii!!" I brushed my hair back from my face smiled and waved at them. I quickly glanced at Ushijima and looked away. As usual he paid no attention to me. My gaze landed on Tendou who seemed to have noticed me sneak a peek at Ushiwaka. He grinned at me and said, "Semisemi! Why are your cheeks so red?" I looked at my feet and rolled my eyes. "Am not" I whispered. Ushiwaka stood up and walked over. "Was it really hot outside?" He asked as he patted my head. "Ss-stop!" I ducked my head has his hand lowered for another pat. He looked taken aback. "I need to go to the bathroom." I said in a rush, Tendou grinned, "Well ok. We'll save you a seat rightttttt here." He patted the seat next to Ushiwaka.

-Ushijima's POV-

I saw a boy with dual-toned hair make his way to the steps of the cafe. Of course, I recognised him immediately I felt my face heat up as I turned back to a smirking Tendou and Ohira. Tendou winked at me and turned his head to face the entrance of the cafe. I stared into an empty space as the bell rang signaling the entrance of a new customer. What is this feeling...? I asked myself. I've known Semi since we started playing Volleyball together in Shiratorizawa. Semi emitted a kind aura. He always had since the first day of school, 3 years ago. "Semisemi! Why are your cheeks so red?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face him. I got up and patted his head. Must have been warm outside I thought. I felt the urge to hug him for some reason, but I didn't. It would've been weird. "Ss-stop!" He ducked out of under my hand. I recoiled my hand and watched, confused, as he said he needed to go to the bathroom and finally dash off. Tendou clucked his tongue at me and sighed. "Thats not how you do it Wakatoshi-kun." I looked up at him, puzzled.

-Semi's POV-

I shuffled to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. The weather outside was cold so the water felt fresh and numbing against my skin. I felt a pair of eyes on me, "What?" I sighed exasperated and I looked up at the mirror. My vermillion haired teammate looked at me with a smug expression. "Ask him out already!" He smirked at me as I shook my head in a brisk manner. "No. He doesn't feel that way about me." I groaned. He nudged my shoulder. "Oh Semi, you're such a tsundere.". "Shut up." He stifled a laugh "let's go back now." I nodded my head and followed him. Why'd I duck my head?

-Third Person POV-

Semi retuned to the table with Tendou sauntering in front of him. He stared at the floor. This was supposed to be the last time the team meets all together before the 3rd years depart for university.

-Semi's POV-

Ushijima and I are both invited to the same university, but I doubt he will go there. I sighed and sat down with a flop. I felt Ushijima's eyes on me. I can't tell what is going through his mind. Tendou said something that make Ushijima laugh. I bit my lip and stared. What. Is. This.

"Hey, Semi, wanna come over after this?"

"Huh? For what?"

Tendou smiled slyly "A sleepover with Wakatoshi-kun, Ohi-kun and I!". I didn't like this, I could feel them pl, but I wanted to spend more time with them before we leave for college. Maybe I'll text Suga for some help since he has Daichi. Time flew by and since that last match against Karasuno the bitter feelings never left the team's aura. Goshiki cried and hugged us before I took out the camera and planted it on the table opposite. We all piled up on the sofa and I set a timer. 3. 2. 1. 

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