Chapter Eleven - Episode Two (CONT'D): The Weirdo on Mapple Street

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There was never a dull moment when under the Wheelers roof, you've come to find.

It was currently seven PM, meaning it was the standard dinner time for families all across America, a habit picked up thanks to the constant broadcasting of popular television shows around this time. After hours of deliberation, ones that seemed never ending with how indecisive your lot of kids could be, the group was stunned out of thought when Karen yelled for you all from the bottom of the stairs, declaring dinner to be ready and not taking 'No' for an answer. You'd ushered the others out before you, taking the a moment to get Eleven to stay in the room while you all were gone, or else she'd be discovered if she wandered the halls. The young girl had agreed, locking the door behind you as soon as you'd vacated the small area as well.

So now, here you sat, taking the seat to the right of Mike- right in between him and his sister- as Dustin took the spot at the end of the table, with Lucas sitting across from you all.

Conversation in the room was null, the only sounds filling the air being the clinking of utensils against glass plates, all occupants scraping and pushing the food aside in either a grateful or distasteful manner. The dinner tonight was meatloaf, and while you'd usually let yourself gorge in Karens fantastic cooking whenever she offered it, your brain had shut off somewhere in the afternoon, still stuck with the self closing door and all that came right after it.

It seems the others were in more-or-less the same predicament, forks stabbing into their cut of meat in a hypnotic 'Click, Clack' that rang in your ears. You'd have probably stayed that way for a long time too, poking and prodding, had it not been for the head woman of the house clearing her throat. "Something wrong with the meatloaf?"

Dustin looked up first, mouth agape in confusion before he gave a small 'Oh'. "Ah, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch..." There's a beat, then, "I don't know why."

Lucas smiles something shy and fake, nodding along to his friends words unconvincingly. "Me too."

Taking a sip from your water, you let the glass down as you withhold a nervous laugh at the boys lackluster cover, tone apologetic as you pick your words. "I'm sorry, I brought them snacks earlier, so they're probably stocked up on sweets right now. It won't happen again, promise, but I can definitely assure you that the meatloaf is great, Mrs. Wheeler."

"It's no problem, hun. And thank you!"

You give a nod, happy to have steered the topic to something lighter before anymore questions could be asked. There's another lull at the table, this one soft, and as you go to take a bite of the slab you've been dished, there's a sudden clearing of a throat, then-

"Yeah, the foods delicious, mommy."

Nancy, who had been completely silent the whole evening, butts into the silence ungracefully, lips curved up in an innocent smile. The food that sits in your mouth goes sour at her intrusion, and already you can tell at what she's about to try, her soft voice suddenly goading.

Sharing a quick glance with the older woman sitting diagonal of you, knowing glint in her eye, she swallows and sends her daughter a smile. "Thank you, sweetie."

Nancy nods, picking at her loaf for a moment, before engaging once more. "So... There's this assembly tonight for Will at the school field... Barbs driving."

Wryly, you send the kids a look, all of them catching on to your silent annoyance at the older Wheelers statement. Anyone with half a brain could piece together what exactly it is Nancy wants, and her usage of Wills disappearance is nothing short of gross in your eyes. Still, you say nothing, opting to stay out of her business entirely lest it come back to bite you.

"Why am I just hearing about this?"

"I thought you knew."

Shaking her head, Karen goes back to her meal. "I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found."

"I know, I know," Nodding, Nancy looks around, opening and closing her mouth before saying, "But it'd be super weird if I'm not there. I mean, everyone's going. Ask Y/N..."

So much for staying out of her business.

Her words catch you mid chew, teeth nearly splitting your tongue in half with how hard you'd flinched at your mention. The whole table creaks as everyone turns to you, waiting for your confirmation or denial in this suddenly charged moment, some more-so than others.

Before you can reply, dismissal at the ready, there's a kick sent your way from under, one that drags your attention for a split second. Sparing a quick peek towards the right, Nancy sends you a wide eyed look, one that reeked of pleading and forgiveness. She's tense all over, hands gripping at the hem of her shirt as she waits for your answer, shaking almost imperceptible to anyone who wasn't sitting close enough.

And though you knew this was a bad idea, knew that she only wanted to use this moment to go out and mess around with a group of people who probably didn't even really care about her, you couldn't help but put yourself in her shoes for just a brief moment. If you had the chance to go to some rich kids place with the promise of cheep booze and a laugh with nothing to trade other than just liked company, you'd be nipping at the Devils heels himself for the opportunity...

Stifling a small sigh and resigning yourself to the long web of lies you were about to spin, you send Karen your best sheepish look. "Nancy's right, there's gonna be a big group of students attending tonight. I thought parents were sent out the call during school hours..."

Looking between the two of you, eyes flitting back and forth suspiciously, Karen relents, "Alright. Just... Be back by ten."

Nancy is quick to smile, nodding attentively to her mother's warning. You hope that was the end of it, but as you go back to cutting your rapidly cooling food, you hear the head matriarch hum. "Why don't the both of you go and take the boys, too-!"


You, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all shout simultaneously, jumping slightly in your seats at the kids being dragged into the conversation as well. They quickly calm after the outburst, each of them going back to picking at their food as if they hadn't just thrown a fit, while you smile harder.

Really, and here you thought you were obvios before.

"Wait, you're not going?"

Shaking your head, you calmly state, "I'd hate to burden you with the task of taking the kids home. I can always attend the next assembly."

Surprised, Karen looks to her son, mouth agape as she asks, "And what about you? Don't you think you should all be there? For Will?"

Before he can answer, Mike spits out his milk in alarm, eyes wide as he stares stiffly at the space behind his mom, where a wandering Eleven can be slightly seen. While Dustin bangs his fists on the table with the random excuse of 'spasms,' you clear your throat, waving a hand towards Karen just before she turns her head in concern, hurriedly saying, "It's just that... It's for the high schoolers only, y'know? But, it's okay! I can always sign up some other time and I'm sure the kids'll do something with their class as well-"

"Nonsense!" Taking a scared Holly from out of her high chair and ignoring whatever had just occurred, Karen continues. "I know how much Will means to you, so don't worry about taking the kids home. You go on to that assembly with the girls and Ted will help with the rest, okay?"

"Mrs. Wheeler, it's really not-"

"Please? It would make me feel better if the two of you left together. And I'm sure Barb wouldn't mind either, right Nancy?"

The girl besides you is stiff, anger evident in the way she grips her fork tightly. She says nothing for a moment, and you foolishly believe she's going to ask her mom to reconsider, to have a bit more faith in her abilities to look after herself. That train of thought is dashed, however, when Nancy nods, strained and tense as she says, "I think that's a great idea. I'll tell Barb to meet us there then."

"Great! Now that that's been sorted out, who wants dessert?"

Safe to say, the sudden pit in your stomach rid you of any hunger you might've previously felt.


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