Katmai National Park & Preserve

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In Denali, we spotted a grizzly bear sleeping on the snow in the distance (and we got rather lucky in that regard), but to truly "experience" bears in Alaska, you have to visit Katmai National Park.

I won't sugarcoat this. You can't drive there, the seaplane price is steep (almost $1000/person), and reservations fill up almost a year in advance. But you WILL see bears. And early-to-mid July was the ideal time to visit. It was the peak of salmon spawning season for the location (Brooks River).

We used Bald Mountain Air out of Homer, but there are a handful of other seaplane excursion companies (and maybe more by boat).

We used Bald Mountain Air out of Homer, but there are a handful of other seaplane excursion companies (and maybe more by boat)

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The seaplane was an experience of its own. Everyone received a window seat and the plane never gets that high.

Preparing for take-off

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Preparing for take-off.

Leaving Homer

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Leaving Homer.

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