Chapter 5⚠️

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Cora: "We are nearly there at the house guys don't worry now.."

Bailey: "My legss..."

Cora: "The others aren't complaining Bailey.."

Bailey: "That's because they go out in the woods constantly.."

Cora: "Oh hush.. hell we can even see the house right now"

Bailey: "Really?!"

Cora: "Yep!"
The house was seen but she saw a few anthros there
"Shit how did these anthros find this place?"

Bailey: "Fuck.."

Joseph: "Mother fuckers.. actually wait Bailey you still got the pills?"

Bailey: He touches his pocket and he feels them
"Yep still do"

Joseph: "We could restrain them and give it to them"

Bailey: "Hah good luck with that.."

Tyler: "Hey I mean, the more friends we got, the better"

Cora: "He ain't wrong.."

Joseph: "See, we first we need to see who we are going up against"
they continue discussing while Bailey kept walking forward without any of them noticing

Bailey: He makes it to the front of the house where the anthros noticed him
"Hey I got a great deal for you guys"
He takes the pills out of his pocket
"Take these and your heat will end!"

They look at each other, they were still horny but wanted to try it

Bailey: He throws the pack at the three
"take one and swallow it"

They all take it and pretty soon they started to calm down

Feline: "Holy hell! They actually work! I thought I was going to have to hold down a human for a moment..
Hyena: "Same with me.."

Canine: "At least no more heat for me!"

Bailey: "What's your guy's names?"

Feline: "I'm Tasha"

Hyena: "I'm Helena"

Chole: "And I'm Chole"

Bailey: "Nice to meet you all!"


Bailey: "We are all good now don't worry, they are friendly!"

Cora: She came first
"That was a very stupid decision.."

Helena: "Hey hey, no need to bully him now he practically saved us from the heat cycle"

Cora: She huffs

Chole: She walks back to Bailey and gives him back his pills
"Here's the extras, thank you"

Bailey: "No problem, do you have a place where we can all stay?"

Chole: "Hmm we got the barn"

Cora: "That can do.."

Tyler: Both Tyler and Joseph arrive
"The barn?.."

Cora: "Yep, we can head up there now"

Tyler: "Finally I'll get some sleep.."
They head up to the barn

Cora: "So how did you guys know this place?"
She crosses her arms

Tasha: "We were traveling and by miracle we found this place, so we decided to stay here"

Cora: "Mmmm ok then"

Bailey: He turns around and starts to head to the barn

Tasha: "Hey you two, we got spots in the house if you want it"

Bailey: "Sure"
He says without hesitation

Cora: "Oh fine.."
They walk to the house and Cora heads somewhere else

Bailey: "Hm?"
He follows her to a bed that was not being used

Cora: "Here we can sleep here for the night"

Bailey: "Umm you sure?"

Cora: "Yes I'm sure"

Bailey: "alright then.."
He puts his bags to the side of the bed and looks at the bathroom
"Want me to like? Shower first?"

Cora: "Sure go ahead, but don't waste the hot water"

Bailey: "No promises"
He walks to the bathroom and gets undressed and heads inside the shower and turns it on
"Finally a warm shower after awhile, this hits different~"
He starts to clean himself and then starts to lose track of time until someone knocks on the door

Cora: "Open the damn door Bailey!!"

Bailey: "Ah!! Ok OK! Im coming out!"
He steps out of the shower and dries off and uses a clean towel and dries himself off before the door bursts open

Cora: "I SAID HURR-"
She would see Bailey naked and immediately look away
"Shit I'm so sorry!

He reaches to the door quickly and slams it shut

Cora: "I'm sorry!"

Bailey: He grumbles before realizing he didn't grab his bag
"Shit... this is going to be awkward.."
He opens the door slightly
"Hey cora can you pass me my bag?"

Cora: "Sure thing.."
She was heard walking to the side of the bed and picking the bag up before walking to the door and resting the bag near it

Bailey: "Thank you!"
He grabs the bag and takes out some spare clothes and puts them on before leaving the bathroom
"Your turn now cora"

Cora: "Alright then Bailey.."
She walks to the bathroom and shuts the door and gets undressed

Bailey: He gets on his side of the bed as he heard the shower running

Cora: She yells out

Bailey: He would burst out laughing as Helena comes into their room

Helena: "Everything alright in here?.."

Bailey: "Yea umm I used all the hot water and Cora has none now"

Helena: She laughs out
"Good one good one!"
She cackles before leaving the room

Bailey: "Now the wait game.."

Cora: After awhile she came out of the room very pissed off
"Bailey I'm going to GET YOU!"


Cora: She runs to him and tackle hugs him on the bed

Bailey: "AH! JESUS CORA!"

Cora: She laughs holding him tightly
"I can never stay mad at you Bailey hehehe.."

Bailey: "About gave me a heart attack for what you did.."

Cora: "That's for wasting the hot water"
She rolls over to her side of the bed
"I'll get my bag in the bathroom tomorrow now I just need sleep"

Bailey: "Fair enough, I'll get some sleep too"

After awhile the two would fall asleep

End of chapter

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