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Yoshi wore his face mask and got out of his black van with his manager and bodyguards, he passed through the paparazzi and went into the Agency

They went to the 29th floor, Yoshi walked in and the other idols immediately bowed at him, he bowed at them back

He walked and sat beside a fellow rapper, they clicked well, his stage name was
Big naughty

"Yo wassuh" Bignaughty said shaking Yoshi's hand

"Mm I'm good"

"How's your comeback going man?"

"Very good, I'm actually working on an album. Oh I heard your new single, it's lit" Yoshi said and patted his knee making Bignaughty chuckle

When the door opened and Mr. Hwan, the CEO of their Music agency came in, all the idols stood up and bowed

He talked for some time, blah blah blah, skip to when he was about to introduce his son

"And my son, from now on will be managing B.Hive labels for rappers and soloists. Please come in" he said making Yoshi quickly look at the door.

The door opened and Junghwan walked in with his head held high

(This is my first time drawing tatts, I think I did a good job oh with the browslits)

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(This is my first time drawing tatts, I think I did a good job oh with the browslits)

Yoshi's heart immediately sunk when he saw Junghwan. He had changed so much, he got really tall and buff, seems like he works out.

The idols began to whisper once they saw him, especially the female idols. Junghwan walked in front of the idols and they immediately stood and bowed

"I'm So Junghwan and I'll be managing B.Hive labels from now on" Junghwan said and bowed, when he raised his head up, his eyes met Yoshi. He scanned Yoshi from head to toe. That made Yoshi squirm under his strong gaze making Junghwan smirk

Junghwan was beyond excited but he had to cover his excitement with his expressionless face. Junghwan looked away
'Now I've come for you, I won't let you out of my sight. But this time, I won't chase you, I'll make you chase me'

-- --

Yoshi's manager was speaking to him about his next concert when Yoshi's attention moved elsewhere

Junghwan just finished a meeting with the shareholders of B.Hive labels, he was sending them off at the entrance of the boardroom

"Yah Yoshi where are you looking at?" His manager asked snapping Yoshi out of his stare. His manager looked back and saw Junghwan

"Eyy have you got eyes on him already?" He asked and flicked Yoshi's ear

"I never said that" Yoshi said glaring at his manager as he rubbed his ear. He looked back and didn't see Junghwan again

He groaned in disappointment "Why did he have to leave" Yoshi muttered chewing on his lip.

His manager sighed "Maybe because he has work to do just like you, now come on, we have to go, Musicmic won't be happy if we arrive late at the show"

Yoshi nodded and grabbed his bag

When he left, Junghwan came out of the boardroom with a phone placed on his ear and looked in the direction Yoshi went

"I'm telling you Hyung, he was staring" Junghwan said grinning like a kid

"Of course he's meant to stare, him suddenly seeing you out of nowhere must have been surprising" Yedam said twirling in his chair

"Mm Hyung I know I said I'd make him chase me but I don't think I can control myself before I do, Hyung I fucking love him" Junghwan said smiling as he clutched his chest

"Yah don't spoil your plan, I'm sure Yoshi Hyung liked you back in highschool but he was too busy too realise and have time for you. Don't fuck things up Junghwan, take things slow. I have to go, I have to make some music" Yedam said

"Yeah yeah whatever" Junghwan said smiling before ending the call

-- --

Jihoon settled in with his fiancé Gabriela at his home in Seoul. Gabriela was still new to the environment so he had to be with her at all times

"Matteo, let's gooo"

"The chef shops for Grocery, we don't have to go" Jihoon said and groaned as Gabriela held his hand dragging him up

"Pleaseee, I want to know to shop in Koreaaaa" Gabriela said and Jihoon sighed


-- --

"Hyunsuk please get the flour mix up there for me" Hyunsuk's mom said as she couldn't reach for the flour

Hyunsuk grabbed the flour mix and put it into the shopping cart. They were currently shopping at a grocery store

Hyunsuk looked through the shelves as they walked. He kept putting in snacks while his mom put in cooking stuff

They went to the check out, his mother went out to answer a call while he was waiting for the couple in front of him to check out

"Matteo, wait let me do it, I studied some shopping lines for this"

Hyunsuk heard the lady in front of him speak in a foreign language.
"They must be foreigners" Hyunsuk muttered

He watched as the cashier began to check their stuffs, when the cashier was done, the foreigner asked

"Uh eolmenayo?" The lady said and the Cashier looked confused

Hyunsuk had to step forward
"Eolmaingayo?" Hyunsuk said and the cashier nodded and told the lady the sum

"Ah Gamsahabnida!" She said making Hyunsuk chuckle at how she sounded

"It's okay, I speak Spanish, you can thank me in Spanish if it's hard for you in Korean" Hyunsuk said in Spanish

"Woah that's awesome, my name's Gabriela, I came with my fiancée, Matteo say hi" she said and turned to her husband who was looking elsewhere

"What's the problem now Gabrie- Hyunsuk!" Jihoon shouted when he saw Hyunsuk looking at him with his eyes widened

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