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Hyunsuk was on the hospital bed while Jihoon was seated a little away from him

Jihoon looked at Hyunsuk whom looked away. Jihoon sighed rubbing his forehead

"What were you doing in my car and how on earth did you get in?" Jihoon asked

Hyunsuk folded his arms "Last time we met, you didn't bother to take my number and keep in touch with me, why?"

Jihoon honestly had no excuse and was speechless. Hyunsuk chuckled "Your silence says it all. You really don't want to have anything to do with me...Jihoon...Do you know how much pain I faced because of you?" Hyunsuk asked looking at Jihoon

Jihoon closed his eyes not wanting to look at Hyunsuk's face. He could tell he would soon start crying by the cracks in his voice and Jihoon couldn't stand seeing Hyunsuk cry

"Do you know how overwhelmed I was to see you alive? Do you know how hard it was convincing myself you were not dead? Each day in school, I hear your voice, I see you, I relive things I did with you. Do you thing that was easy?"

"Everyone called me a fool, they all looked at me like I was deranged. Why? Because I kept saying you were alive. I held unto our friendship hoping for you to come back and prove them wrong" Hyunsuk said and bitterly chuckled. He looked up to the ceiling trying to blink his tears away

"You were living your life somewhere else while I was suffering in the mental institution" Hyunsuk muttered making Jihoon open his eyes and look at him in shock

"They would chain me and tie my mouth because I kept speaking to you. I kept seeing you. I was kept in a room all alone. Do you think I was having fun staring at white walls for years?! Do you?! Being forced to take pills because I was having hallucinations, that sound like fun huh?!" Hyunsuk shouted

"No matter the pain in went through I still held unto you. I knew you would come. I thought you would save me but no. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Years of suffering and pain."

"You must think this is funny right? Not thinking straight because everyone I see turns out to be you. Every word I hear turns out to be your voice. Do you realise what you've done?! YOU FUCKING RUINED MY LIFE!!! All THOSE YEARS COULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL IN MY LIFE BUT YOU FUCKED ME UP!! ...look at me Jihoon. Do I look anything better than misery?"

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon in pain. Jihoon  gulped feeling his heart sink.

"Look at these. Look!" Hyunsuk shouted raising his sleeves, showing Jihoon the cuts on his wrists

"I even tried ending my life just to see you, I wanted to die to be sure you were dead. I almost killed myself because of you! Don't you understand how much I value you?! Don't you understand how high I place you?!"

"Now years later, I've seen you, hoping my misery would end, now I've seen you, all will be better right?..no, you don't even want to associate with me. All those years of dedication, hope and long suffering resulted to this?" Hyunsuk said and bitterly chuckled

"Now I understand them... When they told me I was a fool, I didn't believe them... When they told me to wake up from my fantasy, I didn't, rather I called reality a hallucination... I understand now. I really am a fool" Hyunsuk said and wiped his  tears harshly

"Jihoon...if me being a part if your life troubles you so much...it's.. It's fine..you don't have to associate with me. You leaving now won't make a difference. I've gotten used to you not being around" Hyunsuk said and sighed

"It's...it's not like that Hyunsuk... I really want to be with you but...I can't.. I'm afraid I'll catch feelings being around you..it's wrong Hyunsuk, I'm engaged and–

" You're engaged?" Hyunsuk scoffed "Wah you're engaged. You really moved on Jihoon, You have a career, a partner and me, I have none, just because of you... You know what?" Hyunsuk said making Jihoon more nervous

"It's better we end things here...Let's...Let's go our separate ways..it's of no use being in touch with each other... Let's ended it..the bond we shared, our friendship and our ghost love... Now on, you're truly dead to me... and I am to you..Please don't hold unto the past Jihoon. Goodbye and a happy wedded life" Hyunsuk said and turned to the other side of the bed.

Jihoon didn't even know when he started crying. He wiped his tears and stood up. He walked to Hyunsuk and softly leaned down and placed a Peck on his head

"It was lovely having you in my life" He muttered and leaned out. Hyunsuk started crying again once he heard the door close after Jihoon left

- -

Yedam went to a club to ease himself. He had a couple of drinks, he was on his phone when a girl sat beside him showing interest in him. Yedam took his chance and began to converse with her, next thing they began to eat each other's face off

Yedam decided to take things home, when he got out of the club with the girl, he kissed her and then leaned out only to see Doyoung looking at them

"Hyung..." Doyoung muttered

"So this is why you stopped picking my calls?" Doyoung asked already heartbroken

"How could you do this to me?!" Doyoung shouted and pushed the girl away from Yedam. He was on the verge of crying by the sight he saw

Yedam yanked Doyoung's hands away from him and helped the girl up

"What's wrong in what I'm doing? Huh? It's not like we're married or dating. What gives you the right to stop me from doing what I want? Do you think you're of any value to me?!" Yedam shouted and Doyoung couldn't help but feel more broken

"This is how I felt seeing you change girls back when we were dating. Feels good huh?" Yedam said smirking

"So all this time...I thought we had something but to you...it was a revenge" Doyoung said feeling his eyes water

"Didn't we settle our differences hyung? Why get my feelings involved?"

"I had to teach you a lesson Doyoung. Back then I forgave you so much that I became useless in your eyes. Enjoy the feeling and never contact me again" Yedam said and pushed Doyoung away

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