Violet Sailor

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Violet knew Plasmius had something to do with this messed up world. After all, she had seen him turn ghost on tv. The world did. And now everyone was acting like he was a god or someone to be admired. It somehow reminded her of the name her sister called her. "You're so Ultra Violet!"

It used to annoy her, but she liked that name now, Ultra Violet. It made her sound like a super hero. After a few nights of practicing her new ghostly powers, Violet knew a few things. She wasn't able to do everything that Danny Phantom could. She decided this must have taken practice. But when she went in her ghost form, she had expected a jumpsuit like his. Instead, she was wearing a version of the clothes she had been wearing at the time of the car accident, a white crop top and black leggings with dark purple swirls on them to make her look ghostly. To top it all off, her ghost form came with violet hair in a ponytail that grew and shrunk depending on her mood. It took her a few days to realize she could use it as an electrical whip. After all, UV light was just an electromagnetic every day use. Just add ghost powers and you get something pretty awesome. She turned around towards the hospital to head back when she was startled by a little girl on the roof with her. She turned invisible, despite already being seen. The little girl laughed.

"You realize you aren't invisible to me, right? I'm Dani. Dani with an I."

"You can see me? How?" Dani shrugged.

"I think it's a ghost thing." As though to make her point, she transformed from her own normal clothes and then into her ghostly black and white clothes. "You don't look like you're completely dead. Are you a halfa?"

"What's that?"

"Halfa ghost. Your other half would be human."

"Then yeah. My human half has the white hair and green eyes though."

"How'd you manage that?" Violet was hesitant. How was she going to explain this?

"My parents crashed their car into a lamppost because there were two ghosts fighting in the road. We were electrocuted and by chance, it was outside of Fenton Works." She pointed out the building she had been watching the last few nights. "The only reason I'm alive is because one of the ghosts pulled me out and through the ecto slime the car was covered in. That's probably why I have ghost powers. I half died when my family did." Tears fell down Violet's face. She felt so alone, and yet so much better now that she told someone how she felt.

"Fenton Works? That explains a lot. A crazy old man named Jack lives there. He's the one who missed the disasteroid a while back. Sometime before I was born I think." Violet laughed. Silly kid must be mistaken.

"No, that was only a year ago. It scared my parents into wanting to go on this road trip."

"A year after the disasteroid? Where you in a coma or something after that accident?"

"Yeah." She was suddenly full of dread. "What's the year?"

"2012. Why?"

"That's.... That can't be right... I was in a coma for five years?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't know, but it would be right, wouldn't it? What's your name anyway?"

"Violet Sailor. It's getting late. I need to go."

"Where to?"

"Hospital. I don't have any family left so I just stay there."

"Well, if you ever need anything just look for me. Us halfa's gotta stick together." Dani shook her hand, and Violet smiled. She looked like her sister. Then she took off, a lot on her mind. First thing, she needed to look into Jack Fenton and Vlad Masters. Dani took off too, except she was thinking about a lot more then Jack. She couldn't imagine not having a family. Or even suddenly losing the family she had. Then she realized that her mother and sister had experienced losing someone suddenly. Maybe they could help think of a way to help Violet.

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