Three might not be a crowd

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Authors Note

damn writers block had me good for awhile there so sorry for the long wait.

okay so this is my big plot twist and i feel a need to give a warning here that a very smutty scene is going to be coming up in the next part and this plot twist came to me literally this morning so i had to write it

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okay so this is my big plot twist and i feel a need to give a warning here that a very smutty scene is going to be coming up in the next part and this plot twist came to me literally this morning so i had to write it.

Caleb Pov

We finally left Vegas and now we're back in my house as a married couple and since we've had sex there has been a lot of sex but I guess we are still in a honey moon phase. I never thought Ivy would give in and maybe actually treat me like a husband like we are together but maybe she has feelings for me too, I definitely feel something for her. I know the marriage thing was something that wasn't supposed to happen but it did and I want to stay married to her.

My phone rings on my nightstand but I'm deep inside my wife's pussy as I grind my cock into her "shouldn't you answer that" said Ivy in between kisses "don't care about the phone Red, I'm busy fucking you" I growl then she turns us over so she is on top of me and she kisses me hard and I slide my hands to her ass as my phone rings again and I groan then grab the phone as she kisses down my neck "I'm busy what the fuck do you want" I growl as Ivy grinds on my cock not even caring I'm on the phone and I thrust into her "you need to unbusy yourself, we are waiting for you two to get here, you're late for recording again" said Tristan "we'll be there in like twenty minutes" I say but then she swirls her hips just right "make that thirty" I growl as I give her ass a squeeze "now I need to go finish what I started" I tell him and hang up the phone.

After recording we all decided to go out for dinner and drinks "I'll be right back need the ladies room" Ivy tells me then kisses me and walks away "never thought I'd see the day where Caleb Black falls for a girl and get's married" said Jesse with a smirk "things happen" I tell them all with a smirk.

When Ivy comes out of the bathroom she stops short when some guy comes up to her and pulls her to him for a hug and I mutter what the fuck and walk over to them "can I ask why your hands are on my wife" I say from behind him, he looks back at Ivy "you're married" he said surprisedly "yeah married who the hell are you" I ask him looking at him and getting ready to punch him "her boyfriend at least I thought I was" he says and I look at her "ex boyfriend, I left to come here remember" she says to him "that's your idea of a breaking up with someone" he says "we could've talked it out and now I came here to talk" said Bryan trying to follow her but I put a hand on his chest "listen we are married so I think you should back off" I say to him with a smirk "I'm willing to share" said Bryan with a smirk and the next thing he knows my fist connects with his face and he's on the ground "let's go we can talk at home" I tell her because having this conversation in public isn't a good idea bad enough I just hit someone.

Ivy Pov

The drive home is quiet, when we get in the house he turns to me "so you have or had a boyfriend when you came here" he asks me and I nod but then I sit down next to him when he sits on the couch "it's kind of complicated me and him" I tell him and he looks over at me "I'm pretty sure I can keep up so just give it to me straight" said Caleb irritably "we were together for a year and the I got the deal but he didn't want me to leave and he didn't want to come with me, so I left I couldn't just stay and not take the deal" I explained and I know he gets that part of it it's the rest that's gonna be hard to explain "you really shouldn't have hit him, I mean he probably shouldn't have said that the way he did and I have no idea why he said it after finding out I'm married" I said and he looks at me like I'm crazy "are you serious right now of course I hit him, what he said was an asshole thing and it pissed me of it was disrespectful" said Caleb madly "I don't think he said it to be disrespectful" I mutter with a sigh "oh really then why the fuck did he" he asks madly and I just look at him finding it really hard to tell him why.

"what are you not telling me" asks Caleb looking at me like he's trying to figure it out for himself "whoa wait did you fuck him with another guy at the same time" he asks me realizing exactly what I couldn't say and I sigh "no it was more like he is into having polymerous relationships but we never had one but we did have a threesome because I just didn't want to make our already complicated relationship more complicated" I tell him "so you've had sex with him and another guy" Caleb questions again "not just a guy, one of his best friends and often" I admit and he looks surprised "so are you polymerous" he asks me "it probably could've gone that way if I hadn't left but I'm not sure if it would because again I knew I was gonna leave" I tell him "guess we don't know each other as well as I thought" said Caleb with a sigh "are you mad" I ask him concernedly "no just wasn't expecting to hear that, I don't care it happened, you didn't know me, I just wish we took the time to talk more than we have" Caleb said and I sigh "how, we had a fling and ended up married without knowing each other and then we just ended up_ "fucking everywhere in this house" he interrupts with a grin.

I roll my eyes "yeah but I really should've told you this stuff" I say feeling really guilty for not being honest when I know Caleb is the least judgemental person out there "well you told me now however I think maybe you should talk to him and I feel like an asshole for hitting the guy now when it was something he thought was okay because you had done it before" said Caleb and I look at him in surprise "you want me to talk to him" I asked and he nods "yeah I think maybe you should you know explain and I should apologize, you can ask him to come here and talk, I kind of prefer it that way" he says and I sigh "okay I guess" I said then grab my phone texting him and he said okay and I gave him our address.

Caleb turns to me while we wait for Bryan "so can I ask you a question and you have to be completely honest about it, I'm not gonna get mad I just want to know this" said Caleb and I shrug "ask a way" I tell him "did it really turn you on being with two guys" he asks me curiously "if it didn't I wouldn't have tried it and kept doing it" I admit and he nods then there is a knock at the door. I open the door "hi" I say softly "hey" he says as I let him in and he looks around then sees Caleb standing there "look uh I want to apologize for what I said, I didn't say it to be a dick" said Bryan to Caleb "she explained and I'm sorry for punching you" said Caleb putting out his hand for Bryan to shake "it's okay I deserved it for how I said it" said Bryan with a shrug "so I guess we should talk" I said wanting to get it over with.

We sit and Caleb joins us being protective as always and I sit next to him then Bryan is on my other side, okay this is awkward "look I was wrong for just leaving I should've explained and I'm sorry you came all the way out here to find out I'm married" I tell him and Bryan smirks "I guess I should start reading those gossip magazines would've saved me a trip" he jokes and I laugh a little "believe me man half the shit is garbage and untrue we already knew each other a little before we got married we met because my bands producer is also her producer" Caleb tells him and Bryan looks over at me in surprise "Lexi Xavier is your producer" he says and I nod "wow, so if you don't mind me asking how the hell did you end up married, you haven't been out here a year yet" asks Bryan and I smile "well that's a story and a half" I say and Caleb grins "well I asked her to move in with me because I didn't like that dive motel she was living in and I practically made her move in then we had a bit of a fight and I thought she didn't like me" said Caleb "then he went on a bender and went to Vegas asked Jesse to bring me while half drunk" I say "and once we fixed things we had a drunken night with his band that lead to us to getting married and waking up that morning with rings on our fingers" I tell him and Bryan laughs "wow what a story" he says.

Then he looks over at Caleb "I really am sorry about that comment on sharing your wife, I can see that the two of you are happy and I should've known you wouldn't know about that, that she wouldn't just come out and tell you that" he says to Caleb "it's okay, I'm not mad about it now that I know why you said it" said Caleb then pulls me on to his lap so I'm straddling him and looks up at me with a mischievous grin "however if that's what gets you off" he says to me sliding his hands up my thighs "wait Caleb you don't have to do anything if you don't want to, there is nothing wrong with our sex life" I say making sure he knows that "I'm always down for trying new things" said Caleb as he gives my ass a squeeze.

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