The Talk

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Caleb Pov

When Ivy wakes up and comes into the kitchen she looks between the two of us then hands us each our pants and I grin "so I guess we should talk" she says to us "what's happening with all of us, I mean you're my husband and you were completely fine with last night, I never thought you would be just by your over protective nature" said Ivy and I smile "last night was really fucking hot but I don't think I could've done it if it were some random guy, it felt right because I know that Bryan respects and cares for you as much as I do" I say truthfully and she looks over at Bryan "so what is it that you want this to be" she asks him and Bryan shrugs "I was thinking we should go with the flow of it and see where we end up, I know he's you're husband and he loves you but he knows I still love you and that I obliviously enjoyed last night" said Bryan and I chuckle.

Then I pull her close to me and give her a passionate kiss "I feel that if you want this then I will give it to you and that we can just see where it goes with all of us" I said kissing her again "and we are definitely doing it again" I say making her smile into our kisses then I pull away and turn her to Bryan "he's yours to kiss too if you want him to be" I tell her with a grin "I know you left for your music so I know you still have feelings for him too" I say and Bryan tilts her chin up to him "do you" he asks her and she sighs "I left for my music and yes I met Caleb which was unexpected and I do love him but I also loved you when I came out here and those feelings lingered but I want to be with Caleb too" she explains "you know I'm obliviously okay with that" said Bryan with a grin "good glad we are all on the same page" said Ivy then she lets him kiss her which still makes my cock hard.

This whole thing is a new world for me not only am I now married but there is also another man involved with us and I never thought that it'd be something I'd want or be turned on by but holy fuck is hot.

We ended up fucking again but this time in my shower then Bryan had to leave and I looked at my phone finally there is many missed calls from Jesse and Tristan last night so I tell Arielle I was heading out to Jesse's house. When I get there and walk in Jesse turns around to see me and he puts his cup of coffee down "what the hell happened to you last night, you punched some guy for hugging Ivy and then you two booked then when any of us tried to call last night you guys didn't answer your phones" said Jesse "that was Ivy's ex boyfriend Bryan and all is okay we all talked last night at our house" I explained "so why couldn't you at least answer a phone call" he asks me and I try hard not to think of all the dirty fucking sex I've had in the last twenty four hours "why are you grinning like an idiot, what the fuck happened" he asks again "well let's just say I was very busy having a threesome" I tell him with a grin "wait you fucked your wife with another guy who is her ex boyfriend" asks Tristan looking at me like I'm crazy and maybe I am but it's the kind of crazy I like.

I just give him a smirk "you two really have the strangest fucking relationship ever, first you elope and now threesomes" said Jesse "only with Bryan, it's not like I'd wanna do it with some guy from a bar we picked up, I might be crazy but even I have my limits when it comes to who gets to fuck my wife with me, Bryan is a cool guy and we had hell of a time last night and this morning" I say to my best friends "look it's a long story so sit down and I will explain all of it" I tell then because I know the way I'm saying it right now makes me sound like I've lost my fucking mind.

I explain everything from when we left dinner to what lead up to me sharing my wife with another guy "so you have no idea what this whole thing is with all of you yet" said Jesse and I shrug "whatever it is I like it so far and like I said he's a good guy got to know him more when we all hung out this morning well before the really hot shower sex" I say with a smirk "overshare" said Jesse "why are you guys looking at me all judgy" I ask them and Jesse looks at me "I would never judge you if this is what you want I will have your back just if it goes public it's gonna cause stir that's a definite so I'd keep it quiet till Ivy has her record out" said Jesse knowing how judgy other people can be of these sort of relationships not that I care because I don't but I don't want anything to hurt my wife's career.

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