6;Ancient Slayer

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--Fii P.O.V--

"Hello child"

'huh? Where am I..? It's warm....'

Cracking my eyes open I'm immediately blinded by the bright light surrounding me and shield my eyes with my arm. Groaning, I remove my arm and sit up, looking around in curiosity.

'What is this place? I could've sworn I heard a voice earlier, but there isn't anyone or even anything here...'

"You are growing stronger. Each passing day, even without you knowing, something deep within you begins to take form. But that makes it all the more dangerous, you must continue with your training and work hard, the raw power that you will gain can be very dangerous if you unleash it carelessly, even more so if you don't know it's there"

'What the- Wait, that voice, it's just like-'

"You... You're that voice that kept giving me advice during my training, but would never casually talk to me..!"

"Also, what on earth are you going on about? And what even is this place? I could've sworn I was in Senjuro's room a minute ago"

"Yes, I am that voice, up until now I was only able to talk to you occasionally while you went about your day, I decided it would be most beneficial to help you with your training, only now are we able to hold a proper conversation, though I do not have too much more time with you at the moment"

"You are currently asleep back in the world of the living, this place only exists in your mind. Unfortunately you are not able to see me (or anything else really) yet, but as time goes on, these visits will become more frequent, longer, and things could change. I just need to wait until you're a bit stronger, which shouldn't actually be too long considering that at the moment, you are gaining strength at a rapid rate, which could become dangerous for you at a certain point. I'll try to help you as much as I can but most of it is up to you. The next few visits, things might be slightly different like this plane could start to look less like a blank canvas, but I have no control over what it might look like instead, it gets that from your subconscious. I will also take the form of my original human body from back when I was alive so you'll see what I actually look like and we can have a conversation, it seems like you've been wanting one, but seeing as I don't have much time left, it will have to wait. There may be other things that I can't think of at the moment, it's similar to a lucid dream in a way"



My brain hurt from just listening to him, I wasn't really paying attention to half of that, though I am curious as to what this mysterious voice looked like when he was alive-

'wait when he was alive?? Is he a ghost or something? I mean- that actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I don't really know what I was expecting'

"I apologize for being so sudden, I don't mean to overwhelm you or anything, and I probably left you with questions that I don't have time to answer, but I wanted to at least give some sort of explanation of sorts, things might become clearer after a couple more visits when we can talk more"

'well at least he's self aware'

"as of right now, you are immature, reckless/careless, and naive, which is totally fine, you are a child and I don't expect anything more from you. But as you mature (which you will have to since you want to become a demon slayer), things will start to make more sense and you will have better control over your mental and physical state"

"But that's all the time we have together and you'll be waking up soon, I'm sorry, I really wish we could talk longer, but you're not strong enough yet and this is taking up a lot of energy"

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