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focused on the books they currently had displayed in front of them. Hushed whispers and the sound of pages turning, pens and pencils sliding across paper reverberated throughout the space.

Katya, Vanessa and I were in the campus library. We shared the same minor so our group study sessions were mandatory at this point.

Vanessa and Katya didn't understand what studying actually entailed though because instead of preparing for their examinations and tests they were discussing the new professor.

The second I heard the man's surname being mentioned I blocked them out, continuing to read and memorise the important points that our professor advised us to focus on.

In a separate notebook I made additional notes and used a purple highlighter to mark important details, that way I could cross reference later on. "Aaliyah?" Katya called out, making me look up at her.

"Yes?" Was my response before my eyes drifted back down to the book.

"What are your thoughts on the new professor? According to Vanessa he's really attractive is it true?" I slowly glanced upward, narrowing my eyes at her when I saw the smirk on her face.

"Well, he's definitely not punctual. There's plenty of words I'd use to describe him and handsome would be last on that list." My tone was nonchalant, despite the fact that I agreed with Vanessa.

I wasn't going to share that information with anyone though, some things were better left unsaid.

Both of them eyed me with raised eyebrows. "Really?" Vanessa asked, the disbelief evident. "So how would you describe him?"

I leaned back in the chair, folding my arms across my chest. "Arrogant, domineering, cocky, apathetic. Would you like me to continue?" They snickered and shook their heads.

"That sounds like characteristics and personality traits. What about physical attributes?" Katya questioned. They were clearly taunting me.

"If you're trying to wring a confession out of me you'll have to try harder than that ladies." I shrugged before turning my attention back to studying — or attempting to study.

"We're doing no such thing but you seem like you're in denial." Katya was naturally persuasive, unfortunately for her I was already aware of every single tactic.

"Both of you need to revise for the upcoming test but instead you're sitting here discussing someone who's clearly irrelevant. Isn't it bad enough that Vanessa and I have attend his lecture in," I paused to look at my gold watch. "Ten minutes."

Vanessa's cheeks got visibly redder at the mention of our next class. "Well, my day just went from good to exceptional."

For the next ten minutes I managed to convince them to read over some of the work for our business administration test. It wasn't difficult work but it was a substantial amount of information.

The terminology used is what always threw me off, however once you managed to memorise the overwhelming words and their meanings the class and tests were usually a breeze.

When the ten minutes had come to an end, we gathered our belongings, tossed it in our backpacks and then went to our next lesson. Vanessa and I headed to Sociology while Katya attended her English lecture.

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