4th period

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it was the end of 4th period everyone was leaving for lunch i was still changing in the locker rooms after gym i was about to put my clothes back on until i heard a noise "hello?" no one answered "hello? is anyone there" i turned around and my then someone grabbed my shoulder "oh, god" i screamed turning around to see my boyfriend aidan "damn your jumpy" i sighed "what are you even doing in here" he smirked "i missed you" i started putting my shorts on before he stopped me and put his hand on my chin "besides, we could use some alone time" he rubbed my shoulder "i cant do this right now" he rolled his eyes "you need to relax" he said kissing me forcefully "aidan, stop" he kept trying to kiss me and kissing my neck i tried pushing him off "im serious stop, your acting weird" he ignored me and grabbed my wrist "aidan get off-" i said before robin pushed him off me onto a locker and punched him in the face "is he a friend of yours is he why your acting like this" that made robin even more mad so he kept punching him and kicked him "its over." i shouted at him taking my stuff and rushing out
i can't believe robin just did that for me did he really care that much? surely not..

i heard robin calling my name "finney wait!" i just ran into a stall in the bathroom "i just wanted to ask if you were ok" a tear rolled down my face i was mostly embarrassed "im fine" i lied "no your not" robin said opening the stall to see me crying sitting on the toilet seat i stood up and hugged him and he hugged me back "its ok"

"and then my english teacher was all like!-" bruce was telling a story to the others then stopping mid sentence as i sat down "oh hey finney!" he smiled "hi, guys i need to tell you something" the others all started paying attention to what i was saying "whats up?" donna added "you guys know how ive been tutoring robin arellano" the others nodded "go on.." griffin said looking at me with curiosity and kind of concerned "i broke up with aidan because he was being pushy and trying to hook up in the locker rooms when i kept saying no but the crazy thing is, is that robin beat up aidan when he saw it happen he doesnt seem that bad" the others were all shocked "what was he even doing in your locker room??" griffin said raising his eyebrows "yeah exactly, stay away from him as much as you can finney" donna agreed i looked down kinda sad for a second "im telling you guys hes not the way everyone says he is" i defended him "please listen to us finney were not saying it for no reason the whole school agrees" donna warned me
i just ignored him and went back to eating my food

i went to robins house and knocked on the door after school with a book in my hand he opened the door confused with the same blunt look on his face he always had "i didnt know we where studying today?" he said "uh actually im not here for that i wanted to give you this handing him the book i was holding "whats this for?" he asked "its my favourite book with annotations for you..its a thank you..you know for today?" he fought back a smile obviously "thanks finn" i didnt correct him i just made my way back home

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