Cyle betrays Will

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Cyle and Will were walking to Will's house.
"Fuck Steve" Will shouted.
"Yep you already said that" Cyle muttered.
"Can you hurry up?" Will screamed at Cyle.
"You know" Cyle shouted as he stopped walking.
"Cyle hurry up and move" Will turned and shouted at him.
Cyle stood his ground.
"I'm going home" Cyle told Will.
"No you aren't come on" Will laughed and grabbed his arm.
"NO" Cyle shouted and pushed Will away.
Will started laughing and looked at the floor before punching Cyle in the face.
Will jumped on Cyle and started punching him in the chest.
"" Cyle shouted.
"YOU FUCKING PRICK" Will shouted.
Cyle punched Will and Will let go off him.
Will stumbled back and Cyle turned around and swung at Will, punching him again.
Cyle grabbed Will by his t-shirt and started punching him in the face over and over before throwing him onto the floor.
Will got up and tackled Cyle into the wall.
They both started grabbing each other and punching each other.
Cyle started elbowing Will in his back.
Will threw Cyle onto the ground and got on top of him.
Will started strangling Cyle and pushing as hard as he could on Cyle's neck as he started grabbing Will's hand and struggling to breathe.
Cyle grabbed a glass shard from a broken bottle and sliced Will's cheek with it causing him to get off Cyle.
Cyle quickly got up and started running as Will lay on the floor screaming and holding his cheek.
Cyle ran all the way to some stairs and jumped down all the 7 steps and hit the ground.
Cyle hit the ground and fell on the floor.
He quickly got up when he saw Will sprinting down the stairs.
Cyle got to Maxine's house and quickly started banging on the door.
Maxine opened the door and Cyle pushed past her.
Maxine shut the door and ran over to Cyle.
"Cyle what's wrong?" Maxine asked.
Cyle ran into the living room and shut the curtains.
Cindy,Angelica,Jason,Maya,Billy and Harrison stared at Cyle in confusion.
"Ok so basically I got in a fight with Will and he chased me so I'm hiding here if that's ok" Cyle asked Maxine.

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