Thirty Seven.

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A week goes by, Aspen and Niall talking as much as they can. Niall keeps his promise and makes an effort to make time for her as much as their schedules allow.

Her phone rings as she drives home, Aspen smiling when she's sees it's him

"Hey, handsome" she says, very apparent to Niall that she's smiling.

"Hey, gorgeous. What are you up to?" He asks, sitting in the middle of the airport in Nashville after an unexpected delay.

"Just driving him from the gym. Are you on your way home?" She asks, anticipating on when they can see each other.

"About that..." he starts, a huge smile on his face. "I have about a week off. I was wondering if you had some time to get away for a bit. Disconnect from everything before things start back up again. Even if it's just for a few days." He starts.

"Like me come to LA or you come see me?" She asks.

"I was thinking Vancouver" he says, a smile playing on his face.

"Vancouver? That's random" she chuckles, checking her schedule at a stoplight.

"When do you want to go? When are you coming home?" She asks, excited to see him again.

"I was hoping you could meet me in Vancouver tomorrow." he says, looking at his watch. He doesn't want her to be exhausted and stressed trying to meet him tonight.

"Tomorrow? Niall!" She scolds playfully. "I have to pack and book a flight and get there."

"Just pack and I'll take care of the rest." He commands softly. "Just say yes. It'll be fun. I promise I'll make it worth it"

She shakes her head as she pulls into her driveway. "Yes."

"Alright. I'll text you once I get the details" he says.

"You're crazy" she laughs.

"Crazy about you" he counters.

Niall hears a soft knock on the door, getting up quickly and jogging to it. He opens it with a big smile, Aspen coming in and dropping her bags.

"Ugh, I missed you." he whispers as he lifts her up into his arms.

Her lips finds his instantly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Mmmmm" she moans against him.

He deepens the kiss slowly, Aspen moving her lips after a few moments and pecking all over his face. "What a greeting" she chuckles, Niall setting her down.

"We have a couple hours before we need to leave. Why don't you shower and get ready?" She looks at him confused.

"I didn't think you had anything planned" he smiles softly looking at her.

"I told you I'd make it worth it. We're going for a quick dinner and then I have a surprise for you" he says as he comes over to her, capturing her lips with his.

"What is it?" She asks with a sly smirk.

"I can't tell ya. It'll ruin it" he winks, pulling her into another kiss. Aspen doesn't protest as they make up for lost time.

"Go get ready" he smiles, nudging her.

"You're distracting me" she smiles, pecking his lips a few more times before grabbing one of her bags and disappearing.

An hour later, she's ready. Her hair is wavy with subtle make up on. Niall helps her pick an outfit, not wanting her to be uncomfortable if she's over or under dressed.

"Wow. You look stunning." He says as she spins with a goofy grin.

"And you look so damn good in those jeans" she smiles, pulling his hips to hers and laying a soft kiss on him.

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