Sixty six

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Niall parks outside of the team's hotel, Aspen coming out immediately and sliding in the backseat with Miles. "Did you guys pick a place? I'm so fucking hungry" she says, John quickly interjecting as Niall pulls away.

"Language, Aspen." He quickly reminds her, Aspen rolling her eyes. "Dad. You never get onto Miles. Ever for all of the shit he says." She retorts.

"Aspen Jayne" John says in an exasperated tone, Aspen going quiet as she elbows Miles gently. "Hey. I didn't do anything" he mumbles. Niall smiles and shakes his head. "We found a Mediterranean place, but if you want something different, we can look at other places." He suggests.

"No, that's fine. I just need food." She says, on the verge of being hangry. John looks back at her from his place in passenger seat. "I know, dear." He says softly.

Niall pulls into the parking lot a few minutes later, Aspen getting out and reaching for his hand. He smiles and takes it, walking in after John and Miles.

They quickly get seated at a table and Aspen devours the hummus and pita bread while they wait for their food.

"So did you guys have fun today?" She asks as she tries  to get a better feel of how the three of them got along in her absence.

John sips his water and nods. "It was great. Niall and I got to know each other better and he did well with all of my concerns." John looks Niall, who lets out a relieved exhale, nodding to him as a thank you for the compliment.

"And your concerns are?" She questions with one of her brows raised. John shakes his head, not wanting to worry her about them. "Just know that I think Niall has an understanding of what I expect from him." he replies.

Niall reaches over and rubs Aspen's back, trying to put her at ease. "We had a good talk, babe. What do we have planned for the rest of the day?" He asks in an attempt to change the subject. 

"I wanted to hop over to the Hudson River. There's a pier we can walk and some shops. I don't know. I figured we could just explore a bit." She shrugs.

The food quickly arrives while Niall focuses his gaze at Aspen as she talks about the game. "But you're done until January. Do you have a lot of media stuff to do?" Miles asks.

"I don't have a lot, just some stuff here and there." She says as she turns her attention to her food.

After they finish up their lunch, they head towards the river. Aspen walks next to her dad while Niall trails behind, on the phone. Miles is busy on his phone, texting away to his fiancé.

" was good? You didn't seem to scare him." Aspen smiles. John looks at her with a slight nod of his head.

"It was good. We had fun, but also some serious conversation. I think he's a good guy. I still have some concerns, despite some of his answers to my questions." He explains as they continue to walk.

Aspen sighs softly and stops. John turns his body and attention to her. "I really like him, dad." He nods with a heavy sigh.

"I know. It's just hard for me to watch you grow up and I don't want you to waste your time or be heartbroken." He admits and Aspen nods. "Dad, I get it, but Niall really makes me happy."

"You remind me so much of your mom. She would be so proud of you. I'm sorry I don't make it to as many games as I should and I'm going to do better." He says, Aspen immediately wrapping hers arms around him. "I love you, dad."

John hugs her back as Niall walks to catch up. "I love you, sweetheart."

The rest of the afternoon is spent sightseeing before John and Miles say goodbye after Niall drops them off at the hotel. "Early breakfast tomorrow". John reminds both Niall and Aspen. Niall nods as he listens to her dad.

"Please be careful tonight. Have fun, but be safe." He adds. Aspen smiles and nods as well.

"We will, dad. I'll text you when I make it back to my room." She replies, trying to put his mind at ease.

They say one more round of goodbyes before Niall pulls away and heads back to her team hotel room. Once there, he goes up to her room and helps her collect her things.

"As far as my dad is concerned. I'm staying here tonight." she winks over at him as he grabs her bag.

"Your secret is safe with me." he smiles, giving her the most subtle wink.

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