1; The stars alined with the brightest moon.

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Mossfern was in tears of joy, slowly licking clean her new tom-kitten. He shared the colours from his father's coat; a beautiful black-ish blue with white toes, but something unique from his father was the small dots that littered his coat.

Thunderclan rejoiced with the new mother, for this would be the only kit she would carry to full term.

Mossfern couldn't have kits, they always died before birth. She promised she would give her new kit the best kitten hood she could.

Already at a couple of weeks old, the newly named Wishkit, was an adventurous kit. He squirmed quite often, tried to open his eyes early, and often tried to stand. Another queen in the nursery watched Mossfern sigh with a mental facepalm as Wishkit tried to stand again.

"Well, he's an adventurous one, ain't he?" The other queen purred with a flick of her tail. Her three kits were asleep after just nursing, while Wishkit would nurse then get all squirmy.

"I dread the day he learns to walk." Mossfern joked as she picked up Wishkit to be closer to her. The other queen snorted with laughter.

Only a day later did Wishkit open his eyes, and so he got even more active. Mossfern was staring into Wishkit's multicolored eyes, one a green-ish yellow and the other a yellow-orange. Wishkit meowed loudly in excitement, his mind filled with new information so suddenly.

And it was very noticeable, Wishkit stood out among all the kits; not just with his actions, but he was a larger kit with a lot of fur. Mossfern did have longer-ish fur while Wishkit's father had medium length.

It didn't take long for Wishkit to notice his mother's stares, they were filled with pride and sorrow. He looked similar to his father, so much so that Mossfern couldn't see just Wishkit when she looked at him, it was always a flicker of her missing mate in his place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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