Chapter Three

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Art for this chap is from Project Sekai's Official Twitter(I don't remember if it's from the JP or EN one sorry)

Pov's switch a lot in this chapter ~

Saki Pov

Saki and Ichika were heading over to pick up Shiho and Honami so that they could all eat lunch together.
Saki hears distant footsteps and a girl yelling "SAKIII!!". It clearly scared Ichika seeing how she flinched. The two turned around to see Emu running towards her with Honami chasing after her.

"Emu, it's dangerous please don't run in the halls!!" -H

Emu clearly wasn't listening and immediately stopped in front of Saki and Ichika.

"Otori is something wrong?"-I
"Yes! I need to ask Saki-chan something!!!"-E

Honami finally caught up with Emu and was out of breath.

"Ask me something? What is it?"-S
"Do you know where Tsukasa is??"-E
"I'm pretty sure that Onii-chan is at school,why do you ask?"-S
"What are you guys talking about?"

Shiho Pov

Shiho was trying to find the rest of Leo/need when she heard Saki say something about Tsukasa.
She found Saki, Ichika, Honami and Emu talking about something.

"What are you guys talking about?"-Sh
"Oh hi Shiho!"-H

Emu probably didn't hear Shiho seeing how she didn't respond with "Wonderhoy" or something.

"That's the thing Saki! Nene says that Tsukasa isn't at school today and Rui is really worried... So we were wondering if you knew where he was!"-E

Shiho saw Saki turn pale as a ghost.

Saki Pov

"That's impossible Onii-chan is always at school why would he miss this one day?"

Saki's knees gave out and she fell to the ground.

"Saki! Are you alright? Worrying isn't good for your health..."-I
"Emu are you sure? There's no way he wouldn't go to school! He's a world future star! He still tried to go to work and was only stopped when he collapsed-"-S

Saki paused. "What if he collapsed again. Oh god."
Saki couldn't bear the thought of her older brother collapsing again.
She stood up and started walking away.
She could hear the others calling her name but Saki didn't care she had to go.

Suddenly Shiho stood in her way.

"Saki where are you going?"-Sh
"Saki I understand that you're worried about Tsukasa but it's the middle of the day you're going to miss school if you go..."-H

Saki couldn't help but cry. She was just so worried.

"B-but what if he collapsed again?? It would be my fault!"-S

Shiho sighed "I'll go with you"

The rest of the group (including Emu) nodded in agreement.

At the Tenma Household

The five of them enter the household and heard the phone ringing.

No Pov

Saki went to pick the phone up while the others looked to see if Tsukasa was somewhere unconscious in the house.
There was suddenly a loud crash.
The girls ran to the source and saw Saki on the ground having a panic attack with the phone on the ground right next to her.

Thanks for reading!
Next part is finally going to go into where Tsukasa is!

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