Chapter 10

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Hello! I'm back from my break!!

Also yes I am aware that I usually put these at the end of the chapter but it felt better to put this one at the start!
Feel free to skip this~

I stopped using Wattpad for a while because I was feeling stressed.

It was recently my birthday, I had two tests(freshmen troubles am I right) and I don't have a mountain of homework, so I'm feeling much better!

(If you're wondering, I have the same birthday as Ace from Twisted Wonderland. It's kind of funny considering that Ace is my favourite. )

I also want to thank everyone for the nice comments and all the support.
I sincerely mean this.
And thank you so fricking much for the comments on my notice post.
I am not joking when I say that I teared up reading them

Also 1.2k reads??? Hello???
Thank you! I really wasn't expecting this much

Sorry that I'm so dry replying to comments btw

Last thing I promise!!
I'll be writing in Mizuki's Pov for a good chunk of the chapter so I might put the wrong pronouns by accident.  Apologies in advance!
If I remember correctly Mizuki uses they/them pronouns right?
Now I'm doubting myself.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter!

TW: Swearing and Bullying

Mizuki Pov

Mizuki was walking around the school looking for fun things they could take pictures of to show Miku and the others.
Mizuki found a hallway that they didn't even know was there. Mizuki turned the corner to see a staircase to the right. They went up the staircase to see what it lead to only to find someone lying down in the stairs.

Is it comfortable to sleep on the stairs? Maybe Kanade would know...

Mizuki looked a bit closer at the sleeping figure only to realize that it was their brilliantly eccentric upperclassmen.


Tsukasa had his back facing Mizuki so they couldn't get a good look at Tsukasa.

Didn't he just get out of the hospital? Maybe he's napping? I should check just in case...

Mizuki flipped Tsukasa so that his face was facing Mizuki's.
It was pretty clear that Tsukasa was not napping.
His forehead was bleeding and he had a terrible bruise on his cheek.

"Tsukasa-sempai? ARE YOU OKAY?!?!"-M

Tsukasa opened slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh thank goodness! You had me worried for a second!"-M
"Shut the fuck up."-T

Mizuki stopped.
Did Tsukasa just tell me to shut up? And did he just swear?

And with that Tsukasa got up and left.

"Wait! Tsukasa-senpai! You should go to the infirmary you aren't in any condition to get injured! What if you have a stroke again?"-M

Tsukasa stopped and for a second Mizuki thought that they succeeded in getting Tsukasa to stop.
However Tsukasa had different plans.

"Fuck off. I don't want your false sympathy."-T

And with that he limped away.

What is happening? Was Tsukasa-senpai always like this? Wait... false sympathy? What's that supposed to mean? Does he think that I don't care about him? I was genuinely worried though...
Maybe he's just in a rough patch! Yes that has got to be it. The Tsukasa-sempai I know is a strong person!
I'll keep an eye on Tsukasa. If things get worse I'll take him to see someone.

Mizuki couldn't even think of a Tsukasa that was sad or unhappy.

Tsukasa Pov

Tsukasa exited class about to head up to the school roof so that he could eat.
That's when someone called out to him.

"Excuse me Tsukasa but can you help me with something?"-?

Ask someone else...

"AHAHAHA! Of course I can! What is the problem? Big or small I can do it!"-T

The student told Tsukasa that the task was outside.

"Why are we behind the school?"-T

Oh... of course. That's right. Nobody would even bother asking me...

Oh no did I hit a nerve? WELL TO BAD!!

Tsukasa was set up. At 3 more people joined and beat Tsukasa up.
Punched,thrown and kicked around. But the worse part was when the bullies took Tsukasa's lunch and threw it into the dumpster. Tsukasa skipped breakfast so without his lunch he would be hungry all day.
Every part of Tsukasa hurt. It felt like hours had passed by the time the bullies decided that it wasn't "fun" anymore.

Tsukasa was glad that they were gone. But part of him felt like he should've gotten punched more.
Tsukasa checked his watch and much to his surprise, only 15 minutes had passed.

Only 15 minutes?? It felt like so much longer...
I should check my wounds.

Tsukasa had nasty bruises all over his chest,arms, and legs. Thankfully with a bit of Saki's makeup Tsukasa would be able to hide the bruise on his cheek.
And with that,he slowly stood up and headed back inside the school.

Tsukasa was roaming the school trying to avoid all the people he knew.

I don't want to see them. I can't see them. I won't see them.
If they see me like this they'll abandon me.
They'll call me weak and throw me out like a piece of trash.

Tsukasa miraculously found an empty stairwell.
He decided that it would be best to stay there until class.

Timeskip To When Mizuki Finds Him~

"Tsukasa-sempai? ARE YOU OKAY?!?!"-M

Who is that? Did I fall asleep?

Tsukasa opened his eyes to find a worried Mizuki looking at him.

No. Why are they here. They're gonna make fun of me for being weak. I have to leave.

Tsukasa left.
When Mizuki tried to stop him, he was harsh.
He said things that probably hurt Mizuki too.

I had to push them away. This is going to be suspicious but how am I supposed to act?
I was just beaten up and now Mizuki saw me weak and defenceless.
They'll pretend that they were worried when they just wanted to see me suffer.
I don't need sympathy.
Especially false sympathy.

Oh wait.

It's not like anyone even cares about me.

And with that this chapter is finished!
I plan on ending it soon, however!!
I'm going to add multiple epilogues plus an alternate ending because I feel bad with how I'm planning to end this.

Thank you for reading!

Also... am I allowed to put swear words in?
I read the community guidelines thingy and it seemed like it's fine but man idk I don't want to get banned.

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