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I was shaken awake. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Izzy. Happy birthday to youuuuuu," she sang.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"12:01," she chuckled.

"You couldn't have waited till morning?" I pushed her off the bed.

"It is morning," she said.

"Its midnight. Not morning. Mid Night.
Middle of the night, now let me sleep,"

"Come on lets have a party," she shook me again.

"Jess. Let me sleep," I sat up slightly.

"Or what?"

"I am gonna shove you out the window," I glared.

She continued to poke me. "Jess let me sleep," I glared at her hitting her hand away now getting pissed off. "We can celebrate my birthday later. Please Jess let me fucking sleep," I snapped.

She watched me for a few moments. Blinking clear she was surprised with my reaction. "Izzy I'm sorry," she said touching my hand. "I was just trying to have fun, I didnt mean to upset you,"

"Im sorry. Im just really tired," I sighed and looked at her.

"Im sorry Izzy. I really didnt mean it,"

"Its okay," I said "Now please will you let me sleep?" I said. "We can party all we want tomorrow."

"Good," she said and moved away. I curled over on my side pulling the blankets over me. I closed my eyes taking a few deep breaths to calm myself before I eventually passed out.


There was a knock at the door which woke me up. "Jess will you get that," I mumbled and sat up. I tilted my head curiously when a cart was pushed in. "Whats this?" I asked.

"Breakfast in bed, your favorite crapes with strawberries," she said.

"Definitely my favorite," I smiled and she lifted the plate and brought it over to me.

"Eat up our day is just beginning," she said. "Thank you for bringing this up," she said to the lady.

"Of course, if you need any more help please let us know," she said.

Jess nodded and she left.

"What did you get?" I asked. 

"Pancakes with bacon and lots and lots of butter," she said sitting on the bed.

I cut a peice of the crape and shoved it in my mouth. "Oh my god these are so good," I said with my mouth full.

"May I have a bite?" She asked.

I nodded and handed her the fork. "This is so good," she said once taking a bite.

"Told ya," I said "So whats the plan today?"

"Well I think we are going to to have a really fancy lunch at the Eiffel tower. Then we can take a walk around the city and have our very first experience at the bar," she said 

"Why the bar?" I asked.

"To get drunk and celebrate your birthday," Said Jess.

"How is celebrating at a bar... Getting drunk?" I asked not understanding the plan.

"It's your birthday, there's a place in down. As long as you have your ID, which make sure you have... You can get one free drink."

"How often have you been to Paris?" I asked.

"Never but my mom has for a few work meetings," she said.

I nodded. "I guess Ill get ready," I shrugged and then went to the closet and grabbed a a black dress with a deep v neck. Then I headed to the bathroom and I took a shower. Once I showered I got out and blow dried my hair and then curled it a little then came out. "Is this too uh revealing?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. You look sexy," she smiled.

"So its not too much,"

"Nope.  Youre missing something though.

"Huh?" I said checking over my body to see if I forgot anything. "What am I missing?"

She moved over to the dresser and got out a box. She opened it then saw a sparkly gold shash that said "Birthday Girl," there was another thing in the box. A very sparkly tiara.

"I am not wearing that. We dont need a big crowd," I said glaring.

"But youll be the center of attention," she said.

"And you know I dont like attention," I sighed.

She gave me the look. "Ill wear it to the bar. Not around the city," I said. "It'll be dark enough for it to not make me stand out,"

"Okay okay, to the bar. Now lets go!" She said standing up.

"Okay okay," I said and grabbed my bag and we headednout the door.

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