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Izzy POV 

I looked at Jess. "Nothing happened, we just sat and watched a movie," I said. 

"Sure thing, what did you talk about?" 

"Nothing," I said. 

"Seriously, nothing. You did nothing, not kissing, no hugging nothing?" Jess groaned. 

"We watched a movie called Brigadoon and then we snuggled a little bit," I responded to her. "He drove me home and I kissed his cheek. That's it Jess. Nothing special." 

"Please tell me you at least exchanged numbers," She groaned throwing her head back.

"Yes we did," I blushed. 

"Did you talk about anything at the bar?" She asked. 

"Yeah, we got to know each other a little bit. I told him about myself, he told me about himself, stuff like that," I shrugged. 

"Thank god," She said. "Now tell me all about him," She said. 

"Well his name is Caius, he lives in Volterra, Italy and is on an extended vacation in Paris for six months. He just arrived a week ago He is 25. He says his family is very large. He likes to read and journal and likes to spend time with his family. His wife passed away several years ago, she was killed and it was hard on him and his family wanted him to get out and meet some new people, kinda like what you want to do with me," I said. 

She nodded listening. 

"So he is looking for a rebound girl eh?" She smirked. 

"No I don't think so. He seemed genuinely happy with my company. He's a really nice guy Jess," I said. "He's very respectful and is caring," I said. 

"So you like him?" She asked. 

I nodded. "He's really really nice," I said. 

"Would you meet up with him again?" She asked. 

"Yes," I said. "If you don't mind it," I blushed. 

"Your birthday Trip you can do whatever you want," She smiled widely. 

"Thanks," I said. 

"Of course. So tell me, what was he like?"

"He was really really nice, a gentlemen. He said his family was embarrassing just like you. He's just really nice and I want to get to know him." I whispered. 

She giggled. 

"You gonna do a long distant relationship?" She asked. 

"Jess, it's not going to go that far," I said. 

"Are you sure? You said you liked him."

"Yes I do but it isn't going that far. It's just not. I don't know him and we are only here for two weeks. We aren't starting a relationship," I shook my head. 

She shook hers. "We shall see, we shall see," She smirked at me. "Tell me more," She said. 

"There isn't anything more to tell Jess, that's it. We drank a few drinks, we talked, he took me to his duplex and we watched a movie, we snuggled a little but that was it, nothing more. I promise," I said. 

"If you're lying I'm going to be pissed," She said. 

"I'm not lying, I promise," I said and sighed annoyed with her behavior. I faked a yawn so I could just avoid the conversation and fake going to bed. 


"Yes," I said. 

"Want to do anything tomorrow? Other than hang out with your new boyfriend?" 

"He isn't my boyfriend," I said. 

"you sure about that?" She asked. 

"Positive. Just met him how could we be dating?" I asked.

"Sometimes people move fast," She said. 

"Have I ever moved fast with anyone?" I asked. 

"Uh no... but... but this could be a first you know. There's a first for everything," She smirked. 

"How would I do a long distant relationship. Italy is like 12 hours ahead of me or some shit like that," I said. 

"You could make it work," She said. 

"Jess, No," I sighed. 

"Fine fine, Just giving you options," She said. 

I rolled my eyes at her. 

"I'm going to bed, It's late. Ive had a long day," I said and changed into my pajamas. 

"Did you have a good birthday?" She asked. 

"It was perfect," I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Best birthday ever," I said. 

"Good, Im so glad," She smiled and hugged me tightly. 

"Thank you for everything," I said. 

"Of course," She said. 

I curled in bed and pulled the blanket over me. "Goodnight Jess," I said.

"Goodnight Izzy," She replied. 

I scrolled on my phone for a few moments  before I drifted off. 




The next my phone chimed off in the morning. I yawned and looked who it was from. Caius. Good morning 

I smiled a bit as I read it. I looked around and Jess was still sleeping. Good. She would kill me with the look I had on my face. Wait why do I even have a look on my face? He is just a stranger to you Izzy. You don't even know him you cant like him. But what if I do?  You cant like a man you just met. But what if its love at true sight? Girl be for real. You just met him you talked once. For a night. But it was an instant connection. Izzy come on. Stop with this thinking. You cant be with him. He's a stranger. He lives in Italy you live in Oklahoma. It's impossible to do. It's better off that you don't lead him on. But we can still be friends... Right? Oh god what am I going to do with myself. I like a complete stranger. What is wrong with me, I just met this guy and I like him. Im crazy. That's it Im going crazy. Izzy no you're not you are just young and dumb and you want things to go right. Okay true. I am young. Im only 18. Caius is too old for me anyway. Right? He is 25. I mean that is too old? That's seven years older. We can be friends though. But how would that even work we in complete different time zones. It would be dark when it would be light for me. It is impossible to be friends. I should just ignore his text. I shouldn't have even traded numbers with him. Im so dumb for leading him on. I don't want to hurt him. He's a good man. I took a deep breath and took out my phone and opened the message. It took a long moment before I started typing out my sentence. Maybe I should just ignore it. No no no no Izzy you have to reply. Don't be an idiot just be respectful say that you are sorry and that it was a good night but we can't continue. Then my phone dinged again. Once again it was Ciaus. 

Caius: Do you want to  meet tonight at 8:00?

My heart melted immediately. All doubts went away. Yes. I want to meet tonight. 

I responded. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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