{My reasons #1}

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The ways they show me... they love him more.

1. "He's only 4 he doesn't understand" then teach him..
2. "We don't have money" yet they buy him new toys, shoes, and clothes all the time.
3. He can touch me wherever he wants and I'm not allowed to tell him to stop or brush him off. Even if I'm uncomfortable.
3. They've held off adopting me ever since he was born.
4. They ignore me a lot but never him. God forbid anyone ignores him.
5. They've stopped telling me they love me as much, I have to say it first and force it out of them.
6. My mom barely hugs me, it's just a pat on the back. But with him they always want hugs
7. Their backgrounds for their phones are of him, not me or my brother.
8. They always buy him things without buying us anything.
9. I have to pay for anything I want and don't need.
10. I've been asking for sandals for 3 years but they only get him sandals and say they don't know my size.. they could've asked. Then the one time they went to get me sandals.. they got the wrong size and gave them to his mom.
11. They always let him throw things at me, I have a scar on my lip because he hit me with a pipe. They laughed about it.
12. Their main focus is him, not me and my brother (their apparent kids)
13. They always get mad when I'm around them "too much" of the day but not him.
14. If I cry I get called a crybaby but if he does it's, "what's wrong buddy" even if it's fake tears.
15. All he has to do is throw a fit or fake cry and he gets what he wants.
16. We always have to give him our stuff, but if we play with his stuff it's a big argument.
17. I make one mistake and I lose my electronics for over a month but he CHUCKS my moms phone at the ground and doesn't lose his phone?
18. They allow him to curse but I'm not allowed to.
19. "If he gets hurt you're gone."
20. I have to say I love him even though I don't.
21. They always get upset at me for asking to go places but take him without a problem.
22. They're putting him in dance and can't let me have MY thing. It has to be his too.
23. They always get annoyed when I call them a couple times but not him.
24. They only ever do stuff if he can go but if not we don't get to go.
25. They always make me do stuff I don't want to, but not him.
26. They always lock themselves and him in the bedroom, not allowing anyone in without catching an attitude.
27. "Stop getting shitty with me." I only get shitty when you get shitty.
28. "I'll take your phone if you get shitty one more time" So I can't be mad or annoyed or I lose my phone, but he can sit there and throw other peoples phones but not lose his?
29. They got him and his sister a toy but got me and my brother nothing. Yet say "We treat you all equal" if that was true you would've got all of us something.
30. Nobody is allowed to touch him but he can touch anyone he wants.
31. There's something I have been asking for, for 3 years and haven't gotten it but they've gotten him multiple things of it.
32. They let him have a pop EVERYDAY but if I ask for one a week I get yelled at.

I honestly wish he was never born.
He has a phone at 4, so why do they keep giving him their phones? Even after he purposefully threw my moms phone at the ground. If my kid did that he'd have lost everything. And at that age, I definitely wouldn't have given him a phone.
If the house was on fire they'd worry about getting him out, then let the house burn down before even realizing I wasn't there.
They let him push me all the time but I can't move him so I can get through???
I have to wear sandals that I've had for 5 years that have duct tape on them because they're so tore up.. but they buy him a new pair of sandals every month. I've been asking for 3 years!!

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