𝐁𝐉 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗 : Oh Chanwoo

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BJ ALEX : male reader

Genre : Angst.

Type : Imagine (PART 1)

AU : None.

Plot : [M/N] is stuck in an unrequited love with Oh Chanwoo.

Requested by ? No one.

Nemu's Message : hi! 💕 second official chapter of the book here! i attempted another angst because i've been feeling for those lately. i hope you enjoy this chapter! i attempted to mimic my old writing style here. 😎

[M/N] was known to be infatuated with an employee in Café T.K. He had laid his eyes on this certain person ever since the day they first met. He was struck in the heart. No, it wasn't a brunette with innocent emerald eyes. It was a pudding haired one, with those alluring fuchsia hues that enamoured him.

His heart never failed to skip a beat everytime they were a meter apart. His brain never failed to malfunction every time they exchanged words. His world only orbited around Oh Chanwoo. A special person he met through his friend Jiwon's sex partner, Nam Dong-Gyun.

Let's just say, it was love at first meet.

He made his small crush very prominent, to the point even Dong-Gyun noticed the sweet gestures he had done for Chanwoo. Though, said person never minded.

"Why don't you just give up?" That was a question Jiwon kept asking him. All his attempted efforts of making Chanwoo like him, failing miserably. [M/N] wasn't an expert in the love department. He went through a rough time finding himself. Also getting over the looming fear when he had to come out of the closet for being pansexual to his parents and trusted peers.

His parents were skeptical, but supported and accepted him in the end, of course with questions asked.

He never really had the taste of love. Chanwoo was the first he's ever had a crush on. He was also falling hard.

It was one of those days. The rain poured hard, causing traffics jams, murky atmosphere, and cold temperature. Umbrellas were dancing around the streets and sidewalks as the water pitter-pattered and ran down the drain.

The sound was music to [M/N]'s ears.

He smiled softly, glancing at Chanwoo, who was taking orders behind the counter. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he snuggled deeper into his scarf. A mug hot chocolate sat in front of him, half finished.

Chanwoo stole a glance towards the male sitting booths away from the counter. He blinked, catching eyes with [E/C] ones before looking away swiftly. "DG, can you ask . . . your friend to leave?" He pulled on the brunette and subtly pointed towards [M/N] who was now stirring the drink.

Dong-Gyun furrowed his eyebrows, "why? He's doing nothing wrong." Before he could turn back to return to his task, Chanwoo yanked him once more. "He's creeping me out."

Dong-Gyun sighed and shook his head. "He's a customer. A friend of mine. I can't kick him out in the rain just because he's looking at you," he reasoned before adding, "you may never know, he might be doing it for a reason." He shrugged before pulling away from his irritated friend.

Chanwoo rolled his eyes. 'Do I have to do everything?'

[M/N] jumped in his seat, startled by someone clearing his throat. He peeked up through his lashes and heat immediately bloomed in his chest. A small smile crept it's way on his lips. "Hello, Chanwoo-ssi . . ."

His eyes followed the male, who took a seat in front of him. He looked annoyed.

"Is there something wrong?" [M/N] softly asked, reaching a hand forward. His eyes widened when a small sting shot through the back of it. Chanwoo slapped his hand away.

With slight embarrassment, [M/N] drew his hand back and stuffed them in his coat pockets instead. An awkward tension brewed as Chanwoo sat glaring at him. "Chanwoo-ssi . . . Are you mad at me?" He quietly asked this time.

Chanwoo inhaled, "first of all . . . Whatever you are doing, the staring, the kindness, the tips, I don't want any of it." [M/N]'s shoulders tensed. "If you have any form of feelings for me, I can't reciprocate them. I'm happily taken."

[M/N]'s heart shattered and his world stopped moving. He bit into his inner cheeks, clenching his hands in his pockets.

"Please, I'm asking you to leave the café," Chanwoo finished his talk. It felt as if [M/N] was pushed into cold water and he submerged back into his reality. The cruel one.

Taking of what was left of his pride, he garnered enough courage to open his mouth. "What made you think I liked you?" He started, chuckling deeply.

Chanwoo froze.

"I stared at Dong-Gyun, not you."


"Don't feel so special now."

Chanwoo flinched from his words.

Lies. You are special.

"Is it a crime to be kind nowadays? I was only helping the café."

Lies. I was doing it to impress you.

"I gave tips because it's a decent thing to do when you enjoy eating at a café or food joint."

Lies. I did it for you.

"Thanks for the warm welcoming stay. I'll get going," [M/N] gulped under his scarf, masking his hurt with a cold facade, shrouding himself with mystery.

He stood up, picked up his car keys and stepped out of the booth.

He halted in his steps, his fists tightening, before he eventually walked out into the rain.

Not only did he carry a new perspective. But he also carried his broken and heavy heart.

From inside the café, Chanwoo watched [M/N]'s figure disappear in the dark, in the rain.

That was the last he had seen of [M/N].

After a few weeks later, was also the last he had heard of [M/N] from Dong-Gyun.

Love hurts.
But the ache
is temporary.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 : imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now