Chapter 41: Mommy and Daughter Date

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Chapter 41: Mommy and Daughter Date

"Will you step on it already? I'm hungry, and you're buying." My mother complains from the seat beside me in my car.

I roll my eyes and fight the urge to be annoyed with her. "I'm just going to check my phone because texting and driving is dangerous."

I pull my phone out and turn it on, finding that I have two messages from Forrest already even though we haven't left the driveway. Before I'm able to type my password, it's snatched from my hands by my mother. My head snaps toward her as I glare. "Really?"

"Yes. Now drive, I'm hungry, and you know how I get when I'm hungry." She says, unlocking my phone although I thought she didn't know my password.

"I told you to eat breakfast." I roll my eyes again and start the car, pulling out of the driveway. "How do you know my password anyway?"

"I'm your mother; I know just about every password you have. All of your accounts use the same password because you're afraid you'll forget the new password. Plus, they're predictable."

"You could at least pretend not to know and ask, like every other parent," I say driving toward The Bomber. I don't know if my mom has ever been to the diner. I think all her dates with Nash have been at restaurants out of town.

"We'll have to get your boyfriend's opinion, but I sure he'll agree with me." She states. "Now, let's read the text he sent you."

"Oh, no. No. No and no." I tell her glancing at her from the corner of my eyes. "Stop it."

"I'm not a dog you can order around. I'm your mother, plus I pay for the phone, so don't mess with me."

"Please don't." I plead, whispering turning right. I have no clue what Forrest could have possibly sent, but whatever it is, I don't want my mom to read it.

"Nope. Okay, here we go. Forrest says, 'Hi, sweet cheeks.'" I can't help but giggle a little bit because when she deepens her voice. From the corner of my eyes, I see her look at me with a pointed look. "Care to explain the nickname, sweet cheeks."

I blush and say, "He said it was because I blush a lot, and it's cute."

"Uh-huh. Sure, that's it. Moving on, next, your boyfriend wrote, 'I miss you.' Aw, that's cute. We haven't even been gone for ten minutes." She tells me with a smile on her face. "'Here's some advice for the next time you have me do your laundry.' You have that poor boy doing your laundry, that's wrong. 'Please warn me next time that I'll be folding your mother's clothes.'"

"Wynter." I look over at my mom for a split second before looking back at the road. The look on her face is crossed between horrified and amused. "I'm not even going to ask why you have your boyfriend doing our laundry."

"Well, let's start with the fact that he lives in our house, so he needs to do chores. So far, he cooks, cleans and now he does laundry. So, you're welcome, we've got ourselves a maid." I tell her, sarcastically. "Also his clothes are also mixed in with ours because he said he needs clean clothes."

"You are so wrong, stop using your boyfriend as a maid." She shakes her head. "But it's a smart idea. She throws my phone into my purse as I pull into The Bomber's parking lot. "Oh, what's this place?"

"It's a diner that Forrest and I go to all the time. The food is great, and it's cheap, so double bonus."

"I'll be the judge of that."

"Can you at least wait for me get your crutches before you go pulling yourself out of the car?" I remark, ripping my keys from the ignition and stuffing them into my purse as get out and grab her crutches, so she doesn't fall over. Once they're stuffed under her arms, I lock my car and shut her door, saying, "Let's go."

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