Chapter 28: Love Story, PDN and Car Names

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Chapter 28: Love Story, PDN and Car Names

"I met Hunter a year ago when I switched school districts. We instantly hit it off, it was like we had known each our whole lives. A few weeks after that he asked me on a date and I, of course, said yes, and then at the end of the date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes because at that point, as ridiculous as it sounds, I knew Hunter was who I wanted to be with forever, and no one could tell me otherwise. We continued dating for five months, and I couldn't shake the feeling he wasn't telling me something. He was constantly leaving me when we were hanging out at my house, or if we were at his house, he would tell me I had to leave."

"It hurt my feelings that he was so eager to leave me. One day while we were at my house, I asked him why he was acting like that. He told me that no matter what happened after he told me, I couldn't tell anyone. I'm not going to tell you what he showed me because even though we aren't together, I would do anything he asked me to. So, he finally told me why he was leaving all the time, and at first, I thought Hunter was joking, but then he showed me what he meant, I flipped out. I thought he was going to hurt me. Which is stupid because now I realize Hunter wouldn't do a single thing to hurt me, he didn't even yell or get angry when we broke up. He said he understood and would always wait for me."

"I didn't give him a chance to explain it, I just yelled 'Don't talk to me again' and kicked him out. And now here we are six months later, and I still can't face him without remembering how stupid I was. Every time he talks to me, I hate myself for what I put him through, it's why I get so angry around him, I'm mad at myself." Eryn says, blowing out a breath of air at the end of her story, looking out the window behind me sadly. "It's all my fault."

I glance at her and then study Hunter, who is leaning against the counter, staring at Eryn with a sad expression on his face. My heart breaks at the sight of them. They're both obviously depressed at the thought of not being together. Processing what Eryn told me, all I can think about is that no matter what, I have to get the two of them back together. I'm determined to get them to sit together so they can work through their problems. I know by now that Eryn is over the big secret Hunter told her, but I don't think she's willing to go up to Hunter and admit that she regrets acting the way she did. I don't think Hunter realizes that she's come to terms with his secret, he's probably too caught up in his own pity party that he can't recognize she still wants to be with him. I sigh, "Eryn."

"Yeah?" She mutters, still looking out the window.

"Look at me." When her eyes connect with mine, a single tear runs down her face, and she quickly wipes it away. I'm surprised to see the vulnerable Eryn, she's usually talking and laughing, so this new side is shocking. "I want you to know that it's not your fault, you can't control how you react to things, no matter how much you want to. I might not know what the secret is myself, but it must have been pretty big if you acted that way. Remember that you're only human. I'm not going to let you wallow in your sorrows because you made a mistake and regret it more than anything. I'm going to get you and Hunter back together even if it's the last thing I do."

"How do you know he's going to take me back? I mean after everything that's happened I wouldn't take myself back. He must hate me right now." Eryn sniffs, wiping away a stray tear that fell from one of her eyes.

"Honey, the look he's been giving you for the last ten minutes says he feels the exact same way you do. And he said he would wait for you, he is literally waiting right behind that counter. He probably thinks the chances of you taking him back are one in a billion. He probably thinks you hate him, and I know for a fact you love that boy almost as much as he loves you." I state placing my elbows on the table and leaning my head against my hands.

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