Chapter One

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Carefully watching the new models that's being trained by Raya, I smiled inwardly because they are naturally good.

They were still young but I can see that they have a future ahead of modelling.

Sila muna ang inuna pagtuunan ng pansin ni Raya bago kami mag-iisang pasada ng lakad mamaya dahil may schedule na naman kami ng runway next week.

It's a jungle theme and I really hope I'll get a good set of clothes because if not, I would really cry and blame it all on Raya.

Normalize blaming all the things that sucks to her.

"Last perfect walk and then you're all done," Raya stated.

Lima lang naman sila, hindi rin naman mahirap turuan kaya siguro halos dalawang oras lang ang itinagal ng practice nila. Kung iba 'yan na wala talagang experience, baka kanina pa umiiyak si Raya.

Oh, I'd love to see her cry in frustration.

Pasalamat nga siya dahil hindi niya naranasan maghirap sa akin. Dapat pala pinahirapan ko siya.

The upbeat music is turned on. They waited for the perfect beat before starting ramping.

When they walked, I can't help but admire their resting bitch faces. Ang bilis nilang natuto! Minsan talaga napapabilib ako ni Raya sa galing niya maghanap ng ganitong klase ng models.

She's lucky she found me!

I was in a jewelry shop and looking for something that can lessen the pain of not being able to enter law school after graduating a pre-law course because my dad doesn't want me, too.

Naghahanap ako ng alahas, pang-alo man lang sa sarili ko because I think I really deserve it. I deserve a ring, a bracelet, a necklace.

Everything! I deserve everything!

I felt someone eyeing me. Salubong ang kilay kong lumingon sa kaliwa ko at nakita roon ang isang babae na naka-coat na umabot hanggang tuhod niya kahit ang init-init naman dito sa Pilipinas, tapos naka-boots.

Well, she has a fashion taste. I can clearly see it, pero mainit pa rin sa Pilipinas.

She's staring intently at me. Hindi man lang nag-iwas kahit alam niya nang nakatingin na rin ako sa kaniya ngayon.

I raised an eyebrow, and I heard her tsked before looking away.

"What the hell?" Hindi ko napigilan mag-react pero hindi na siya lumingon sa akin.

What's her problem?

Alam ko namang maganda ako pero bakit gano'n siya makatingin? Gusto niya bang magpalit na lang kami ng mukha?

Umikot na lang ako at pumunta sa mga kwintas pero doon din pala siya pumunta at makakasalubong ko siya ngayon.

Nakatingin pa rin siya, and I'm not really fine with what she's doing.

If she has a problem with me, then she should say it to my face!

"What's your problem, Miss?" I asked, brows furrowed.

She sighed and opened her bag. May kinuha siya roon pagkatapos ay inabot sa akin. I looked at it confusingly and realized that it's a calling card.

I took it from her. "Ano 'to?"

"Calling card," she answered the obvious and turned her back to me.

Villaverde Brothers Series 2: Jilting the Fearless✓Where stories live. Discover now