Dedication (A graduation gift)

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Hello, kyrenelei!

Congratulations! You made it! Sobrang proud ako sa 'yo!

You already made a big step onto your next journey, and that will not definitely stop there. Panibagong hakbang ulit para sa panibagong laban ng buhay. Finishing your studies obviously means that you will face a harder reality.

Mapapagod tayo, minsan aabot sa puntong pakiramdam natin ubos na tayo. Pero gano'n talaga ang buhay. Sa tuwing pagod ka na, sana piliin mong magpahinga muna. Please don't exhaust yourself too much. Tao lang din naman tayo at nakakaramdam no'n. Pahinga ka, ha? O kaya gawin mong pahinga si ano. Hahahahaha!

Seryoso, walang masama magpahinga. Walang masama tumakas muna sandali para piliin ang sarili. Take a little break sometimes and breathe.

While you choose others' happiness, I hope you don't forget yours, too.

Our friendship didn't start well, just like Kylei and Raya. Very us talaga. Sus! Hahahaha! Pero masaya ako na nakakita ako ng kaibigan sa 'yo.

Although we don't talk constantly, I just want you to know that whenever you need a friend, please do remember that I'm here and I'm willing to listen. You can actually tell me how your day went; tell me what bothers you—your problems, your rants, your secrets. Everything, Ky!

Thank you for being a genuine friend to me. Thank you sa 'yo at kay Mil sa tuwing pakiramdam ko walang may gusto makinig sa akin. I sometimes feel friendless. Or even in the circle of friends I have, I am no one's favorite. You're a constant reminder that I have someone to lean on when everything gets heavy. Thank you for making me feel that I am appreciated, even in the smallest matter.

This is just a simple gift. I'm actually planning to write this as a letter and give it to you when I have the chance, pero siguro dito muna.

I appreciate you so much, Ky. Thank you for your existence! They may make you feel like you're not enough and that you do less, but for me you are more than enough. To see you doing your best in everything that you do makes me so proud of you. Sapat na 'yon. Sobra pa sa sobra!

I can see a good future ahead of you. Laban, Kyky! Lagi kitang ipagdarasal.

Mahal kita, palagi!



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