Chapter Three

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Lying comfortably on my bed where I don't need to feel conscious of what I look like right now because I am in my room, I watched a series revolving about law and mental stability.

The series is all about a teenager girl that was a victim of attemped murder. Luckily, she managed to wake up right before the suspect was supposed to slash her throat. According to her testimony, she grabbed a baseball bat that was beside her bed and hit the suspect.

The suspect is none other than her own mom.

She said her mother despised her so much and wanted her gone because she's jealous of her—which I don't buy.

There's a lot of loopholes in her testimony.

First, how fast is her reflexes that she already hit her mom bago pa siya nito masugatan ng kutsilyo?

Hindi ba't habang kumukuha pa lang siya ng baseball bat ay nagawa na ng mama niyang mahiwa siya ng kutsilyo—hindi bale na kung saan tumama.

Second, when she reported her mother, according to the policeman, she had a lot of fresh bruises on her body. None of it was caused by a knife.

She said that after hitting her mom, she ran to them to report how abusive her mom is.

Ang sabi niya nagising lang siya na nasa harap niya na ang mama niya. Fresh ang mga sugat at pasa, ibig sabihin nakuha pa siyang saktan ng mama niya, pero ang sabi niya naman ay pumunta agad siya sa mga pulis

Third, her mother is deaf. How did she know that her mom is jealous of her?

She did sign language to know her side. The most frustrating thing is that the translator is paid by the teenager.

Unfortunate–fucking–ly, they bought it. Naniwala silang noong araw na iyon, umaga nang bugbugin siya ng mama niya gamit ang latigo nito. Gabi nang pag-isapan siyang patayin.

Kung gawa ng latigo ang mga pasa niya, dapat lumikha ito ng mga latay sa mga balat niya pero hindi. Ang iba sa sugat niya't dulot ng isang magaspang na bagay . . . maaaring bato dahil sa mga umbok at magaspang na pagkakasugat.

Pictures were presented that's why I noticed all of it.

A couple of episodes later, her mother was put in jail. After that, the twist was also revealed. May sakit siya sa pag-iisip and the reason why she did that is because she just wants to.

We don't really know what's running to a person's mind.

I pity the woman in jail. She loves her daughter dearly. She may be deaf but she didn't fail to make her feel it through her actions.

It broke my heart in the scene that she's off to jail. She can't speak. Bid of tears fell down from her soulful eyes. That's all she can do. Cry for justice.

I shut my eyes off. Masakit na sa ilang oras na pagtitig sa screen. I turned off the television. I actually don't think I can finish it because I've already spoiled what's going to happen in the series by reading the reviews.

Justice didn't prevail.

What I hate the most is when something that needs justice wasn't justified.

Kasalanan ko rin kung bakit ko pa 'to pinanood. No doubts kung bakit two stars lang nakuha nitong series.

Nagsayang ako ng apat na oras para sa palabas na 'yon. I gave it a try but ended up thinking I just wasted my time.

Sana natulog na lang ako o 'di kaya'y nagbasa.

A loud knock on my door made me open my eyes and look at it.

"Reneil?" I asked the person behind.

Siya lang naman ang kumakatok nang malakas sa kuwarto ko.

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