Client 1: A Sweet Angel

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Team RWBY and NPR stared at the T.V as the only thing showed to them was white static.

-"I guess this is the end of the tape." – Blake commented. – "Any extra comments?"

-"Is Jaune going to get in trouble for us watching this?" – Pyrrha suddenly asked. – "Metatron threatened to use him as a resource if he ever told anyone."

-"I think he is going to be okay." – Weiss said in an attempt to calm the champion. - "He didn't tell us anything and the tapes that were sent to us were given to by... that sphere."

-"Right, the sphere." - Ren realized. - "Who else but Metatron would be able to send it?"

-"He want us to know?" - Ruby asked. - "Why would he threaten Jaune, if he was going to reveal it to us?"

-"Because now we know that Jaune is being threatened, but we cannot do anything." – Blake a frown in her face as she realized what Metatron wanted. – "We cannot tell him that we know about the job because then he would break the rule imposed by Metatron by talking about it with us."

-"In a horrible twist now we can only watch Jaune suffer in silence." - Ren interrupted the rain of ideas. - "Let's watch the next tape and make sure Jaune didn't get in trouble."

Jaune Arc was about to have a date. If someone had told him, he was about to have a date in this very day, he would have been to distracted fantasizing about how magical it was going to be, to pay attention at class. In fact, he had been too distracted thinking about it, so much so that Goodwitch had called his attention three times in a row.

-"I remember that." – Weiss said, she hadn't seen Goodwitch so furious against a singular student in a long time.

-"He kept muttering and shaking his leg." – Pyrrha remembered asking the blonde in multiple occasions if everything had been okay and him always answering something similar to 'Everything is fine.'

Of course he hadn't been imagining about how he was going to take his date to a nice dinner and then to watch a superhero movie (don't judge him), no. He was thinking about how if this date where to go bad he would end up becoming an infinite resource just like sunlight was.

-"Superhero movie?" – Weiss asked with a risen eyebrow. Ignoring the comment about being convert into a resource in order not to increase the panic that already filled the room.

-"Hey! Fearless Leader said not to judge him." - Nora complained to the heiress.

-"At least they go watch a romance movie." - Weiss justified her idea.

-"Of course, go to the movie theatre in order to watch a girl date a super attractive, muscular, rich and romantic guy." - Nora said without thinking. - "And then for her to turn around and see him instead of said guy."

-"Nora!" - Ren screamed calling the ginger's attention.

-"What?" - Nora asked looking at Ren with innocence. - "That's the reason Fearless Leader told me he wouldn't bring someone he really likes to a romance movie in the first date."

"...Jaune needs an ego boost." - Yang commented awkwardly.

Sometimes he wondered what would happen if he were to call Metatron (not that he could) and tell it that he was sick and couldn't go to the date. Those ideas were erase however, when he thought of those multicolored eyes glaring at him in a threatening manner.

A collective shiver went through everyone's spines at the idea of challenging Metatron.

Eventually classes ended, he excused himself from the team dorm room under the excuse of buying a new comic, and he would have to explain why buying it took him at least 8 hours, but that was a problem for future Jaune to handle.

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