Client 3: The Strongest of the Empire

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"Where are you going?" Nora asked Ren after the latter go up from the floor.

"I'm getting a teacher." Ren said while walking towards the door. "If we keep this a secret Jaune's life could only get worse, he was extremely lucky we accepeted his explanation of him having a normal job."

"Should we keep watching?" Ruby asked the rest of the girls now that Ren was gone.

Sincerly last night hadn't been that bad. After coming back so late a second time in a row the interrogatory that his team holded him wasn't as bad as he had imagined.

The eyes of the girls widened as they looked at the currently unatended T.V remote that was currently floating on the air, out of the reach of any of them to try and pause the T.V from playing anymore of the episode.

"Well, it seems like we lost the control fo the situation." Yang said with a wide smile while the sound of groans and Nora booing her were heard.

It was mostly worried questions, with some teasing from Nora's part, a some surprisingly high concerns from Ren's part and some expected level of concern from Phyrra's part. At the end he had decided to  lie about having a part time job in Vale.

"Well it seems like both the teasing and concern were warranted." Weiss said before turning to look at Pyrrha. "How are things currently with Arc?"

"They are okay." Pyrrha said looking down at the ground. "He arrives late and insists that he has a night job that is becoming more and more serious, but I had a gut feeling that there was something wrong. If only I had..."

"If you had tried to involve youself then things would have gone bad for you as well." Blake said with a flat expression.

He however now needed to explain to Metatron that he needed a paycheck, he just hoped that he managed to catch the being in good mood when he asked for it.

"Did he ever get a pay check?" Ruby asked with curiosity.

"They gave him the way in a plastic bag." Nora said while letting out a chuckle at the memory of Jaune's face when he returned while shaking a bag with money in it.

After classes he went to the docks where his usual Bullhead, he entered and took his motion sickness medicine, it was then that a small bag of peanuts was thrown to his lap.

"There." Gabriel said to Jaune. "You hadn't eaten right?" Jaune shook his head. "Your date isn't going to have food until much later, so eat this so you aren't that hungry."

"How does he know that?" Weiss asked, looking at Gabriel with a frown that made it clear that her suspicion was rising.

"Well she must have gone and registed a date with Jaune by calling or sending a letter." ruby said after puttign the minimal amount of though into the question. "And him being able to alter reality probably went and checked who the girl was and what she wanted."

"...I'll admit that just this once that the question was foolish." Weiss said and even though she had proven wrong she wasn't any more discourage to stop the 'Weiss is always righr' campaign she was planning.

Jaune looked at the peanut bag, he then looked at Gabriel as he started to turn the Bullhead on. Jaune shook the bag in order to search for some sort of metallic sound and after only hearing peanuts he opened the bag, taking one of the peanuts and looking at it for a for a while searching for any type of anormality, he also smelled it a little to search for poison.

He then ate it, a single thought passed through his mind as he tasted the peanut. 'Salty.' He thought before devoring the entire bag full of salty peanuts.

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