Client 2: The Maiden of Orleans

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Jaune was in Doctor Oobleck's class, looking at the clock while his leg shaked. He had another date in this very day when class was over, he wasn't as nervous as yesterday but he was still nervous at the idea of going to a date with an unknown woman.

-"It's time to see Jaune's second date." - Ruby said while putting the tape into the cassete player.

-"How... exciting." - Pyrrha said with a "genuine" smile in her face.

-'She should take a breather.' - Blake thought after seeing how tense Pyrrha was.

-"Jaune are you okay?" - Pyrrha, his partner decided to ask him out of concern.

-"And it happened during the Tuesday of the past week." - Nora noted for everyone.

-"He was more controlled than the previous day, but he still looked tense." - Pyrrha explained the reason for her concern. - "The previous day I didn't intervine because I thought it was personal but for it to happen two days in a row."

-"We understand." - Ren said to Pyrrha.

But just when he was about to give her an answer, the bell rang. For Jaune this was like a flare being shot at the start of a marathon. He ran throught the hallways as fast as he could in order to arrive to the bullhead station.

-"You know, I'm kinda glad Jaune went to an entire different universe." - Blake said while crossing her arms. - "After he dissapeared like that you were incredibly angry."

-"Eh?" - Pyrrha said while looking at the girl - "N-No I wasn't, I was calm."

-"P-Money, you were so scary the entire school evaded you for three days." - Yang said to the girl who could only look down in shame.

Why was in such a hurry? Why was he less of a nervous wreck for this date? Easy, to the first question the answer is that he now had an schedule and had been warned that if he were to arrive late he would end up facinng the consequences and the second was that after his date with Stocking his prospects for the dates to come were not as bad as before.

-"I'm glad he isn't as nervous as before, but he cannot just throw caution out the window." - Weiss said to no one in specific. - "There could be girls out there that aren't exactly the friendly type."

-"Come on Weiss, don't kill Jaune's hopes just yet." - Ruby said, she was also worried, but Jaune hadn't looked particularly panicked during the week after the first date, so maybe nothing bad happened.

He stopped to look at the station, once again he located the one that seemed to not exist for the others and once again he borded it.

He sat down next to the cabin, took his medicine, took a deep breath as well, and closed his eyes.

-"The first time this happened my heart almost jumped out of my mouth." - Ruby admitted.

-"Nothing to worry about." - Weiss said. - "I have a feeling that isn't going to happen again."

-"We ain't having turbulence again." - A voice ahead of him said, Jaune opened his eyes to see the pilot with the white shiny eyes looking at him. - "That was a one time thing, well two if you count the exit we made."

-"Um, why was that one time thing?" - Jaune asked the man in confusion.

-"I wanted to see what kind of you would make." - The man said while chuckling.

-"Asshole." - Yang commented, she would have punched the man straight in the face for doing something like that to her, which would have ended pretty badly.

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