i've got you (all figured out)

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"You may fool my mother, but you cannot fool me. Ever."

(horribly written because i am rushing to get this out)

(not proof read)



Scarlett's been acting differently for the past month. No, it's not because the divorce with Romain finally caught up to her, it's because she has a new boyfriend.


A new boyfriend. Not that I'm not supportive of her, but because I don't trust that Anthony guy. Why trust someone who's named after Ant? Besides, I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Asshole, not Anthony. 

I'll stop criticizing his name. But anyway, I trusted him at first. That was before he started being an asshole to me. Before I caught him going through Scarletts stuff. Before he blamed it on Scarlett, telling him to get something from her jewelry box.  

Anthony's coming over today, again. I get it, Scarlett wants a distraction. She doesn't need to pretend loving someone she doesn't, though.

I head to the stairs, wanting to get myself a drink. I walk pass Scarletts door, doing a double take.

Why the hell is Anthony already here? Better yet, in Scarletts room? Scarlett's still in the kitchen, cooking lunch.

Anthony's standing in front of Mum's desk, searching for something. 

Hold on.

He's taking money from Scarlett's wallet.

I clear my throat, "fancy seeing you here, Anthony."

He turns around, clearly surprised, almost dropping Scarlett's wallet. 

"Hi!" he practically yells, "Scarlett told me to get some cash out of her wallet because we're um, we're going to the boba shop downtown!"

I raise an eyebrow, putting a smile on my face, "really? Should I go ask Mum if I can come too? She's cooking lunch, right now."

Anthony pales, smiling, "no need!" he squeaks, placing Scarlett's wallet back onto her desk, "of course, you can come along!"

Well, he's overly joyful today.  

"Can't you pay for us?" I smirk, "I mean, Scarlett's cooking lunch, and I'm broke."

Man, riling people up is way too fun.

"I forgot my wallet at home," he says automatically.

"Well," I prod, "don't you have the wallet app on your phone? You can pay using that."

"No can do, I don't have any cards on it."

I nod unconvinced. My smile vanishes. 

I walk towards him, leaning close, "you may fool my mother, but you cannot fool me. Ever."

His face contorts weirdly. He's not becoming an actor anytime soon.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I laugh, "you know exactly what I'm talking about."

A faint echo of Scarletts voice is heard, "Y/N! Anthony! Lunch is ready."

"Look, kid," he hisses, "if you think of even telling your stupid mother, anything. You won't be seeing daylight ever again."

Stupid mother? Oh, no he didn't. He is not getting away with this. Not at all.

I pray a look of fear passes through my face. It does. Thank god for acting classes. It gets replaced by a firmer expression, "are you threatening me? Don't want to keep Mum waiting, do you?"

Pro tip 101 by Y/N Johansson: If you need to act scared, let your eyes widen, just a bit, let your pupils grow smaller, let your mouth part, furrow your eyebrows just a bit, look away from the said person/object/thing.

Pro tip 101 by Y/N Johansson: If Anthony threatens you, repeat previous steps from the tip before, then change your expression into a 'I'm not afraid' face, almost glaring, basically your resting face but make it more firm. It will make Asshole--I mean Anthony think that you're just trying to be brave, when in fact you don't give another shit about his threat.


When Anthony finally leaves, it's eight in the evening. Absolute torture for those hours he stayed.

"Mum?" I began, curling onto the couch.

"Mhm?" she acknowledges me with a small noise, telling me that she's in deep thought.

My thoughts are all over the place. I could ruin Scarlett's dating life once and for all with this sentence. But, Anthony. Fucking Anthony."It's about Anthony," I pause, seeing her focus shift towards me. "I know after the divorce with Romain it's been hard, I know you've seen other...men, but Anthony, he's just not it," fuck, I should've written a speech instead of glaring at Anthony when he wasn't looking, "I caught him going through your stuff. Multiple times, mom. And I'm fucking sorry if I just compromised your entire relationship, but frankly, I don't give a shit."

Scarlett sniffs and I look at her. Like really look at her. Her eyes are stained a bit red and are a bit puffy. She's been crying.

"He proposed to me."

What? They've only been dating for what, two months?

"When you were in the washroom, he proposed to me," Scarlett sets down her glass of champagne, "I-- I said no."


I nod. "As you should."

"I don't love him the way I loved Romain"

"And, I goddamn hope you don't. Look, Anthony's a good guy... well-- he's a gold digger. And he's not good enough for you," I say. 

Mum cracks a smile, "he was distracting me from the world. I was going to break up with him eventually."

This time I smile, "Scarlett Johansson, playgirl? Imagine the headlines."

"Y/N!" she chides, hitting me on the shoulder.




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