my name's Blurry Face (and I, care what you think)

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basically just an insecure reader consumed by their thoughts

any age that makes sense




I've concluded that I'm nobody's favourite person. Outside of my family, of course. If I had been left in a room with everybody in my friend group of six, and we had to choose somebody, I would be left in the dark. Nobody would choose me.

Oh my god. I'm venting. 

I'm not the prettiest, I know for a fact that I am not the smartest (just because everybody says I am, doesn't mean I am actually smart), I'm not popular (what difference would it make if everybody knew I was Scarlett Johansson's daughter), and I sure as hell do not hang out with anybody in my friend group as much as they hang out with each other.

And for some fucking dumb reason, I hate one of them. Well, I don't hate them. Sometimes I hate them, but other times I don't.

She's everybody's favourite. We used to be best friends back when she first moved here in grade eight. In grade nine, we kind of drifted apart. She hung out with the people in our friend group who were more popular than me.

Not to be mean--okay, to be mean, she isn't pretty. She somehow mangled her way into every single separate friendship in the large friend group. 

Two people, including the person I just mentioned, are excellent at making themselves seem like the victim. I mean. it's not exactly the victim, but I don't know what to call it. I get a question wrong, they explain so loudly why it's wrong. They get a question wrong, I explain it to them, and they're like, "okay! You don't need to yell at me."

Okay, okay. Those two are my least favourite pepople. Am I being too harsh? No. It's just my thoughts.

Wait! I got another one. Lemme explain it.

Girl 1 is the first person I ranted about.

Girl 2 is the second person in the two people rant.

Girl 2: Look there's [random name]

Me: Oh, I think I have him on Snapchat.

Girl 1: Really? You have him on Snap?

Me: *nods*

Girl 1: You're positive?

Me: Yes? I mean I don't add randos on Snap.

Girl 1: Guys! Y/N has [random name] on Snap!

Girl 2: Actually? He's in grade twelve.

Me: I think I do.

Girl 1: Are you sure?

Like just because you think I'm not popular enough to cling to doesn't mean people don't know me. Just because you're the favourite doesn't mean that everybody likes you.

I just realized. They probably have a group chat without me. No. They wouldn't do that. Would they? After all, I am nobody's favourite.

And that's just it, isn't it?

I'm nobody's favourite.



GUESS WHO PASSED THEIR HISTORY EXAM WITH HONOURS... WITH DISTINCTION!!! Also, I'm still sick. That's what you get when you have a weak immune system and lack iron. Yes, this was kind of a vent for me. Some of these scenarios are made up. As always, requests are open!

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