should i stay or should i go pt. 2

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Requested! Maybe a mishap between y/n and scar, where y/n runs away after having a mental breakdown and like scar not showing her enough love, but cuddling Rose. Scar tries to find y/n but y/n is in another country and has started a new life with a new name, Scar only bumps into her when she has to film in that country, and y/n is doing an internship on set and doesn't know scar was there

Reader is around 18

really short cuz i split pt 1 and pt 2

not read over.

this chaps kinda boring tbh




Should I stay or should I go?


It's your choice kid

I shut my phone, sighing. It's my choice. My choice.

Fuck. Bad time to be indecisive. Should I just go online and make a choice picker choose it for me?

No. Okay. Would you rather stay with an uncaring family or would you rather follow your dreams? 

Follow my dreams. Leaving it is.


Meet u at Morleey. Taking

my car. Most of my stuff


Time to pack.

I've decided to take my wallet, obviously, my guitar, most of my clothes, and some items I love way to much to leave behind.

Now the hard part. Getting them to my car. I could, theoretically, jump out the window and run away. But... I am not wasting all my money replacing the stuff I would break.

Out the door, it is.

By the time I've lugged all my items into my car, it's dark. I take one last look at my old home and turn the car on.

So long suckas.


Dennis greets me at the entrance of Morleey's.

"Where ya headed to now, kid?"

I bite my lip, "might leave the country, start a new life."

"Following that dream of yours?"

I nod.

"Atta girl. Need some cash? I can spare some. That gig of yours gave us a load."

I shake my head, "it's alright Dennis. I've got enough savings to leave the country and to keep me afloat for a while until I find a job."

"At least stay here 'til mornin'. Don't want ya drivin' in the dark," Dennis says, already pouring me a drink. It's non-alcoholic.


I stay there, seated at the bar, scrolling through my phone. It's at that moment that I realize if I really want to start a new life. No more Y/N Johansson.

You've always wanted this. A fresh start.

I want this. A new life with a new name. 

I head to Instagram. I stare at it for while before snapping out of it. My hand hovers over the button. I click it.

Y/NthebestJohansson is now dormant.

Now for my other accounts.

One by one, all of them are deleted or inactive.

I feel regret creeping into my body. No. No. Don't regret it.

What about the media? How would Mum-

No. Scarlett can figure it out herself. She owes it to me.

Dennis comes over a while later, "have ya figured out a plan?"

"Buying three luggage's from Walmart. Then, I'm going to sell my car, buy a cheap flight overseas, and figure out my life from there," I explain my plan that I had planned out in like five minutes.

"What 'bout a new name?"

I smile. That one was too easy.

"Ash Foster."



Really, REALLY short chapter. Split them so I could publish pt. 1 last night. There will be another update soon. Also, Ash Foster??? Can we talk about that? Ash is from Sing and Foster comes from We Bought a Zoo. Yep, I planned that out. As always, requests are open!

Also, should I make this a story of its own? As mentioned in pt. 1, scar would be replaced by another famous, uncaring, toxic, even worse family. scar would kinda be the family friend and has always had a mother daughter relationship with y/n. scar would be sad after y/n leaves to start a new life but then bumps into her a while later for a movie and she kinda takes y/n under her wing. would you guys read it?

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