Grapple at the hope that keeps you alive
Knarly truth you've battered into a cage deep inside
People around you bring cassaroles and flowers
You know they whisper behind closed doors
But you don't listen
You don't fret
Refuse to acknowledge them
Sit in your old chair, across from his, with a cup of tea in your hand
Watching the sky, as it sobs, the rain dance on the glass
At last you see it
Cold, like a stone
Greyer than the clouds that gurgle your tears
In a black box
As you realise
That it's empty, and dead
Once filled with life
Now gone with them
And you think to yourself
How can it be
Something once with memories
And feelings
And love
For years
Be vanquished
In seconds
Like it was never even there
Father says we still have the memories in our heads
But he lies
Says still the love in our hearts
But he lies
To remember the good, and not think of what's lost
But how can I possibly
Keep the love in my heart
The memories in my head
And the happiness
When all that's really there
Is that he's now dead.